at my local club. LR5 with some house rules.
Start with 1.1million
From now untill march
No more than 2 fights against the same player pr. month.
You can scrap your team and start over
Special characters can only be bought with underdog money
So it came to be, HAGAR`S HANGOVERS ready to rumble!
And rumble they did in their first match!!!
I play Norse (Pics to come of my team)
My opponent was dark elf. As many of you know...I have no love for pointy ears!
Within 2 turns both his assasins were out of the game!!!
The dice were with me that is for damn sure!! Well except if I were to pick up the ball.
I still suspect the elves greased it somehow. So it took me the best part of the 1. half to get it down towards touchdown.
My last turn in first half, one step away from scoring, but look! An elf, surrounded, and a berzerker in his rage.
I just could not resist it!!!
Double skull and no reroll! DÒH!!!!
Next half saw my team beat the living daylights out of his...I almost feel bad for him. Then again...he play elves...damn dodgy pointy ears!
But I got a goal and thus won the game.
In the process I killed a lineman and one of his blitzers is now at strenght 2!!!
To be continued....