Hey there - this is literally my first visit to this forum.
I recently started playing Mordheim with my buddy. I have a Possessed warband I've been running. I'm pretty pleased with my models - I custom made most of them from Horrorclix with a swamp/reptile theme. I'm a better modder than I am a painter though. Maybe I'll post pics of them if people are into that here. I've also put together a Witch Hunter warband using a combo of the witch hunter set, some Horrorclix and some mercenary bits. I like a lot of those models as well, though I've just started painting them.
I've been playing a lot of Axis & Allies Miniatures for the past couple of years, modding pieces and writing historically-based scenarios. unfortunately that game is starting to die and there isn't much going on in the forum any more.
So I'm checking this out to see if it can become my new online community "fix."