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 Question: Chipped Paint?

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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeSun 17 Feb 2008 - 0:01

I'm about to make some old Pirate Ships, and I was curious: does anyone know a handy way of replicating old, chipped, faded paint on a 'wooden' surface?
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Admin Tom
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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Feb 2008 - 13:30


Welcome to the forum!

Making chipped paint is rather difficult I think. However you could try to simulate this effect by using a "stamp" technique.

You use a medium/large brush (preferably an old one that has lost its tip) to apply shades of the desired colour in a "stamping" fashion.

e.g. I made this litte image on photoshop. I hope that helps.
Question: Chipped Paint? Woodpa10

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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Feb 2008 - 22:14


Nice to see you here (as well!) I am painting worn and patchy paint on wood at the moment, on my Orc Pirate Cutter! I painted the whole area as wood first then over-painted the area I wanted to look painted dark red, leaving all the edges raggedy. I will highlight this with bight red in a wood-grain style of horizontal lines - the same way I highlighted the wood.

It's far from finished:

Question: Chipped Paint? HPIM4860

Question: Chipped Paint? 665330
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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeTue 19 Feb 2008 - 14:43

What about using the Vallejo Crackle medium

Quote :

Waterbased medium which is used between two coats of paint to create a weathered effect, or as a final coat to create a transparent crackle surface. (Please see “ Arte Deco Techniques ” for more detailed information).
Characteristics: Crackle Medium is a clear liquid, which dries to a transparent film, which will crackle if applied on an acrylic base of either paint or primer.
Application: With a soft brush or sponge, without reworking.
Packaging: In 17ml. Bottles, (boxes of 6). Ref. 70598.
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Admin Tom
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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeTue 19 Feb 2008 - 16:39

dr_Remulack wrote:
What about using the Vallejo Crackle medium

Nice one Remulack! Very Happy

I didn't know that existed!!! wow! Here's a tutorial link.

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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitimeSun 24 Feb 2008 - 17:58

Ooo! Some awesome suggestions!

And thanks for the welcome, too!
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Question: Chipped Paint? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question: Chipped Paint?   Question: Chipped Paint? Icon_minitime

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