I plan on picking up the Carnival of Chaos box from GW if I can't find a cheaper copy somewhere else. However, as the warband expands, I'll need some more models for it. If you happento have some of them that you don't need, I'd be willing to pay for them, or trade off some of my Beastman Mordheim metals. I have all of the Beastmen metals from the warband box, including:
Chief w/ two handed weapon and female captive
Shaman w/ mace and braystaff
3 Ungor converted to carry spears and shields
3 Gors armed w/ axes (2 w/ axes, 1 w/ pick)
1 Centigor (Mordheim) w/ sword
2 Unusued Gor-sized shields
I'd also be willing to throw in some Chaos Warhounds, which, as mentioned below, are not painted, primed, or based.
All of the models are assembled, but none are painted, primed, or based. If you wanted to swap out weapons, all you'd have to do is a quick jerk to get the arms off. Also, I went out of my way to put them on the larger square infantry bases, so you could use them in a Fantasy Beasts of Chaos army if you wanted to add a little variety to a Beast Herd or are kind of bored with the ridiculously old Bray Shaman models availible (The Mordheim one is much better looking)
What I'm looking for includes:
CoC Brethren of any stripe
The Brute w/o jester's hood (the one carrying the flail, if that makes more sense)
A Cheap Plague Cart, maybe?
Anyways, if you have any extra of the above, or simply want to pawn them off, let me know.