Thank you
This is one of the few models that I actually have based before posting. I have spent so many hours putting those leaves there, one by one
I have a third treeman that is exactly the same as the second one. I also feel that for each time I have made a small pause in my painting, I am even better when I come back again (even if i have so much to learn) The camera doesn't make the figures justice though, I feel like they looks a little flatter than in real...
The third treeman isn't my own. A old friend of mine came over to us with his three armies. He wanted to sell us them but he wanted such an overprice so we didn't want to buy them. but then I saw a slaughtered treeman. He was so full of glue and paint that there were absolutely no details left and someone had slaughtered half of his back so it was just plain (in an ugly way) So I asked my friend if I could rescue this poor little thing... I stripped the poor guy from glue and paint (in a pretty rough way, there was no way I could get everything away by just bathing him so I used my scalpell for hours) Then I glued him and greenstuffed him. And now he is healed
Here he is (even if I have had no time to base him yet)
Those who knows how this figure looks like from the back sees my conversions really good I guess. There are no branches at the back, only big pieces of birch...