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 Svenn's High Elves

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3 posters
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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elves - Svenn's High Elves Empty
PostSubject: Svenn''s High Elves   elves - Svenn's High Elves Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2009 - 3:52

I finally got around to taking pictures of my old High Elf Army. This was the first set of models that I ever painted, so they aren't so great. Check them out here:
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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elves - Svenn's High Elves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Svenn's High Elves   elves - Svenn's High Elves Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2009 - 8:41

Nice work on those lovely mini's! I love the colorscheme that you chose! Cool

Might be a little hint: you could use a wash to give them a little bit more depth (devlan mud for instance)
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elves - Svenn's High Elves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Svenn's High Elves   elves - Svenn's High Elves Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2009 - 10:00

NOT BAD AT ALL! You MAY not win the Golden Demon Thingy, but the Lads look quite nice. AND, if nothing else, they DO highlight just how much your painting technique has advanced with time & practice. SO MANY of the "armies" I've seen in action at my not-so-local gaming store are either sporting a primer coat or are bare metal that your fully done up troops become even more praise worthy. It wouldn't take much to get the minis up to current standards & might to prove to be an enjoyable project at some stage or other. WELL DONE! thumbsup

I'vebeen experimenting as a solo project with the WHFB War Bands rules from the much missed American Edition of WD with Mordheim. It works pretty well with some minor modifications. SO WHFB & Mordheim are not exclusive entities. Karate
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PostSubject: Re: Svenn's High Elves   elves - Svenn's High Elves Icon_minitime

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