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 Blue Table Painting

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PostSubject: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeFri 31 Aug 2007 - 3:30

I just wanted to share with you a nice discover I made a couple of weeks ago: Blue Table Painting. It's a wargame pro painting service and a scenery making service as well. I doubt that anyone reading this forum would consider buying painted figs from this business, since a Mordheim warband is assemblied and painted much faster than a WH army + ya'll seem to enjoy painting models as much as playing.

But it's still worth cheking. There is very talented artists working at BTP, I took some scenery idea from their videos. There is also nice videos battle report and some 'painting' tips.

The Youtube channel:
The site
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeFri 31 Aug 2007 - 15:18

nice m8 thx for the info

i love his ogre viking display

Hellfoot Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeFri 31 Aug 2007 - 22:10

The Tau drons army looks fantastic!

Thanks for the link!
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 9 Dec 2007 - 22:41

This guy is the man. Seeing his work truly gives me inspiration.

Hellfoot santa
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 9 Dec 2007 - 22:49

Hmm link doesn't work.

--Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 9 Dec 2007 - 23:58

Yeah, I know Blue Table Painting.

It's not only one guy, but a whole crew. There are some videos on YouTube made by them.

Some of their creations are really nice, but all in all, I think most of their creations lack some originality (not all, some are nice, but most). I don't mean to be condescendant and I really like the fact that they provide such a great service to some people, but I just feel that for a professional studio, painting and modelling 20h a day and charging what they charge, the result could be a little more convincing.

Compare it to the 'Eavy Metal painters from Games Workshop for example. I am not saying that BTP can or should have a stadard as high as these guys, but I would expect them to paint miniatures that are at least "very pleasant" to look at and/or "somehow original".

And that is not always the case in my opinion. Most miniatures look as if painted in a rush, and with mainstream color schemes. I actually think that some "pre-painted", mass-produced miniatures (like AT43 by Rackham) look better than expensive custom ordered projects at BTP.

Let's look at some pics

Does this orc regiment seem in any way special to you? Is the paintjob REALLY something you could not do yourself with just a little effort?
Blue Table Painting Btp_410
Is there any individuality to the way these orcs are assembled? Would you be willing to pay $180 (or €128) for these 16 miniatures?
Blue Table Painting Btp_110

Same goes for the bases. Does this look "realistic" to you? Do you feel like standing in a moist, cold, enchanted wood in autumn when looking at these?
Blue Table Painting Btp_210
I really hate bragging, and I detest it when people quote themselves, but I know that with the same amount of time and effort you can make autumn bases that look way better... I know it, trust me, because I tried myself.

And you can say what you will, but I definitely smell some "fanatic army painter" here! And I think it is a bit dishonnest charging loads of money for a miniature you have dipped in paint and is "finished" in 5 minutes...
Blue Table Painting Btp_310

Here's an AT43 miniature for comparison:
Blue Table Painting At4310

Please feel free to disagree with me! Smile I might be too harsh in my judgement.

Conclusively I would like to add that even though I would not order anything from them, i think BTP is a good thing, and anyone who thinks he needs their help (and has the money) should gladly make use of their services.
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2007 - 11:51

Funny you mention this, Tom. Actually when I was browsing through their website yesterday again (I did when the link popped up in another thread) I thought, in fact, that I like your models a lot more than what they do. Yours look like they have "soul".

Anyway, let's not forget that painting whole regiments is a pain in the ass. And they do have these "levels" for detail and layers. A Mordheim warband could be painted with each model having the highest level (incredibly expensive) whereas as normal regiment does understandably have a way lower level.

Good and valid point concerning the unoriginality, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2007 - 13:29

cianty wrote:
I like your models a lot more than what they do. Yours look like they have "soul".

Thanks Cianty, that's very kind of you! Very Happy

And it's true that they paint their orders in 2-4 weeks, even if it's a huge army, which is very very fast. I would need the same time for a 10-model warband because I invest much more time per figure and because I can only do it part-time.

But still I believe it's better to take a little more time, and have models that you will still like in a year's time instead of having everything ready for gaming in a few weeks and not be 100% satisfied with the way the minis look. Who cares if you take half a year to complete your army? 'Cos when you do, at least it will look awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2007 - 15:38

I agree with cianty, "soul" is the right word to describe Tom's figures.

Also, for me painting is one of the most interesting things in this hobby. Of course playing is a big part, but I think the difference between TableTop and a common board game is painting&converting. That's why I wouldn't buy such a painted miniture, no matter how it is painted, because I want to paint them myself, and if it takes a long time, so be it.

And because Tom mentioned FAP:
Blue Table Painting Bild_110

Also from BTP
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 30 Dec 2007 - 22:22

To be honnest, I don't like to buy converted/painted models because if you make them yourself, you can be really proud of it.. even if you aren't good at painting/sculpting you should try and you'll get skills in no time Smile I must agree that some of there creations are nice but the paintjob isn't always nice.. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 30 Dec 2007 - 22:45

Tagnator wrote:
To be honnest, I don't like to buy converted/painted models because if you make them yourself, you can be really proud of it.. even if you aren't good at painting/sculpting you should try and you'll get skills in no time Smile I must agree that some of there creations are nice but the paintjob isn't always nice.. Very Happy

True that. I totally agree... could you imagine:

"Hi guys, here is my Hobby room, with all of my Mordhiem models."
"Wow! That Oger looks AWESOME! Did you do this?"
".... No... I just bought it.."


"Hi guys, here is my Hobby room, with all of my Mordhiem models."
"Wow! That Oger looks AWESOME! Did you do this?"
"Yes I Did!" *puffs out chest* *Da-Ding*
*Ashton Gains 3 Envy Points*

Which would you prefer

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitimeSun 30 Dec 2007 - 22:48

Ashton wrote:

"Hi guys, here is my Hobby room, with all of my Mordhiem models."
"Wow! That Oger looks AWESOME! Did you do this?"
"Yes I Did!" *puffs out chest* *Da-Ding*
*Ashton Gains 3 Envy Points*

Which would you prefer



Isn't that why we all paint models insteed of playing with coins and paper marks to represent the warriors? Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Blue Table Painting   Blue Table Painting Icon_minitime

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