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 first tournament

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PostSubject: first tournament   first tournament Icon_minitimeTue 3 Mar 2009 - 18:47

So, at the end of the month, I'm going to be in my first ever warhammer FB tournament. I've always just played with family and friends. I'm a little concerned actually. I've avoided tournaments because of the horrible stories I've heard of rules-looking up, arguing, etc. I've heard that in lots of places they actually have referees, which seems a bit much for what is, in the end, an overgrown boardgame (I mean that in a good way). I actually signed up because they were concerned they wouldn't have enough players.

So here's my thoughts: are there rules of etiquette I need to know? Should I bring a rule book?

also, it's 1000 pts take all comers with no sideboard. I'll post a prelim army list soonish.
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PostSubject: Re: first tournament   first tournament Icon_minitimeTue 3 Mar 2009 - 23:23

Goosetipher wrote:
I'm going to be in my first ever warhammer FB tournament.

Congrats. I've never been in one...

Goosetipher wrote:
the horrible stories I've heard

... and that is why.

Goosetipher wrote:
they actually have

Very important if you are running a big tournament I can imagine. Sometimes you just need an unbiased 3rd person. Makes it so much easier.

Goosetipher wrote:
are there rules of etiquette I need to know?

Be generous. That's it. And try to have a friendly atmosphere with your vis-à-vis. This is usually a natural thing with most players you meet for the first time.

Goosetipher wrote:
Should I bring a rule book?

Yes! Definitely (I know this from my one on one games with "strangers").

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PostSubject: Re: first tournament   first tournament Icon_minitimeTue 3 Mar 2009 - 23:35

You should as well take one of those red measuring sticks from the starter boxes with you!

(To smack all the rules lawyers on the head!)

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PostSubject: Re: first tournament   first tournament Icon_minitimeWed 4 Mar 2009 - 18:25

From an "official" tournament GW leaflet:

• Your entry ticket & this rules
pack (If the organizer's didn't gave rules to suscribers, ignore this)
• Your painted army
• Two copies of your army roster
• Scatter and artillery dice, plus some D6
• WHFB templates
• WHFB rulebook and any reference sheets you think you may need
• Pen & paper
• Super Glue (just in case!)

Also, regarding painted models, this is the "official" point criteria for judges:
+1 Based: All the bases in the army are painted and textured in some manner. The baseline for texture is flock as a minimum. Just being painted green is not enough!

+1 Painted: The army is painted, all models have at least 3 colours on
them. Different colours should be used for different areas. Undercoats
must not be visible.

+1 Detailed: All models have had the details of the model painted in a
variety of colours or with noticeable effects. This can be shading or
highlighting, or 'black-lining' etc. This discriminates between the merely
painted army and the army that has had attention paid to it.

Important: In order to get the point all the models in the army must fulfil
the criteria. If even one fails, the points can't be scored.


Hope that helps.
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PostSubject: Re: first tournament   first tournament Icon_minitimeFri 6 Mar 2009 - 11:41

Should you have the misfortune to be saddled playing one of those MISCREANTS that are generally termed as "Rules Lawyers," for lack of a better &/or more profane description, the BEST way to handle him/her/IT is to maintain your own good humor, pointedly laugh at him/her/IT, &, if that fails, call an Umpire. Rules Lawyers seem to be drawn to Tournaments like Maggots to Road Kill! This DOESN'T mean YOU can't have a GREAT time. SO take along your good humor & maintain your sense of the absurd. Suspect thumbsup
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