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 Matt Gold-ish Weapons

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Matt Gold-ish Weapons Empty
PostSubject: Matt Gold-ish Weapons   Matt Gold-ish Weapons Icon_minitimeMon 27 Aug 2007 - 22:32

Heya can ayone tell me what colours to use to paint one of my weapons gold-ish...not shiny cuttlery...matt-ish

btw i use GW paints


Hellfoot Shocked
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Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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Matt Gold-ish Weapons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Matt Gold-ish Weapons   Matt Gold-ish Weapons Icon_minitimeMon 27 Aug 2007 - 23:35


Ok, that depends what effect you have in mind. I take it you want a tarnished, worn, drity, gold-ish metal.

I happen to have used such a colour on my possessed, that might just do it for you. Here's an example of some of my miniatures to give you an idea:
Matt Gold-ish Weapons Posses10

Matt Gold-ish Weapons Untitl10
If this is indeed the colour you want ot achieve (or close to it) let me tell you how I did:

1) Undercoat in CHAOS BLACK

2) Give a heavy drybrushing with TIN BITZ

3) Mix TIN BITZ (20%) with DWARF BRONZE (80%) and apply a lighter drybrushing. I do this because this stupid dwarf bronze is as liquid as milk! And for drybrushing you need "creamy" paint. Tin Bitz will achieve that for you.

4) Add some gold paint to lighten up the mix, or use pure gold paint, depending on the tone you want, and give a VERY LIGHT drybrushing. Careful not to clog the previously created shadow effects! I use the Vallejo "Oro viejo" or something like that. But surely a darker gold from GW would also do the trick.

Try it and let me know how it turned out!
Hope this helps!


Last edited by Admin Tom on Mon 17 Mar 2008 - 20:23; edited 1 time in total
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Admin Tom
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Matt Gold-ish Weapons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Matt Gold-ish Weapons   Matt Gold-ish Weapons Icon_minitimeMon 27 Aug 2007 - 23:39

Oh I forgot:

You might also want to add a little chestnut ink in the littke chinks of the armor etc.

Just make sure you gently "draw" with your ink and you do NOT "wash" over everything. Unsless you want a dirty-oily effect... in which you could do the latter.
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PostSubject: Re: Matt Gold-ish Weapons   Matt Gold-ish Weapons Icon_minitime

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