OK I will do a major update now :-)
I have posted these pictures on the forum of the danish painting site
www.powerfist.dk before.
But before the pictures a few lines.
Regarding the "big" orcs. THey were bought from
www.gamezoneminiatures.de (you can also see them at
www.gamezoneminiatures.com - a spanish site).
And no, I havn't done any converting on those guys.
Regarding the paint jobs.
Most of my miniatures are actually dipped in Fanatic Army Painter light and super light shade (the old stuff - not the new stuff called Quick Shade).
1st step.
The way I do this is first I mount the miniatures on nails with flat heads (for fixing rooftops) - try to balance the miniature correctly - ALSO NOTE: Large and unbalanced miniatures cannot be used for this, as I later intend to spin the dip of the miniatures with my drill.
2nd step
First prime the miniature with white/grey - NOT BLACK!
I start painting miniatures by adding the base colors and add some highlights (nothing major). For instance, with the orcs, I used a dark green, highlighted with a lighter green. also the white was painted bone white and highlighted with white also the bronze was painted with tin, and highlighted with bronze.
When painting black, you need to highlight with grey, as the dip don't add any shade to black.
Some colors I dont add highlights to. This is red, steel (i might highlight there after they have been dipped), gold, regular green (not the dark one used for orcs), brown, orange and yellow.
Note however, that IMO blue colors don't look good when you dip the miniatures. Also grey colors has a tendency to look poor with a brownish shade.
At this step I also add sand/stones/skulls/whatever to the base - No paint on the base though at this time (except on skulls, and other features - I don't add this stuff on my bases - only sand).
3rd step
When the basecoat and predip highlights are done, the miniature is ready for dipping.
I mount the nail in my accu-drill (on the slowest speed).
First you test if the minature is properly mounted on the nail - check by using the drill, before you dip - and do it over some pillow so the miniature won't get chipped, when it goes flying (WARNING - It will go far, if not stuck properly)
If its mounted correctly dip the miniature, spin it in a box (WARNING - its real messy, so be careful - if you spin it in a cardboard box, you can do it inside - BUT BE CAREFUL)
I spin it for a few seconds twice each way, then unmount the nail.
Then you go over the miniature with a brush and remove excess dip - the usual areas are the eyes, the mouth, some times from the folds in the clothing and from weapons and armor (unless you want them looking really rusty - leave it on orcs). This step takes a little practice.
Let it dry for at least 12 hours.
4th step
Paint the base (I use black, highlight with beastbrown and a light khaki brown (almost like bonewhite).
Add a few highlights if needed on the miniature (weapons, horns, etc.)
5th step
I add a coat of testers dull coat, as I don't like the shine, the FAP dip leaves on the miniature.
Let it dry for a few hours.
6th step
Add static gras and whatever you like on the base.
Pictures of the Dipping tutorial can be seen here:
https://boringmordheimforum.forumieren.com/fantasy-wargames-f15/dipping-guide-with-pictures-t753.htm#10526Now its time for some Mordheim MIniatures
First my Sisters of Sigmar
Some Zombies (from Confrontation - used for Mordheim)
My Possessed
Mutant with spikes (those spikes are a b*stard to get right)
The last mutant (guess which mutation he has)
My Middenheimers (not dipped)
My orcs (yes I recently made another gang of these guys)
The Boss
Regular orcs (the bullseyes)
A WIP of those
Big Un and Shaman
Big Un WIP
Another Big Un and alternate Shaman
I can't manage to post pictures of my skavens or my finished buildings right now