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 Pool of Shadow

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Pool of Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Pool of Shadow   Pool of Shadow Icon_minitimeMon 25 Sep 2023 - 7:27

Hi Folks, need some explanation about how really works Pool of Shadows spell from Shadow Warrior warband.
"Allows you to Hide" means puts you in hiding mode, allowing you to shoot then cast that spell and puting all your warband in range Hidded?
Or makes more harder to detect your previously hided warriors?

Pool of Shadow Screen14
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Pool of Shadow   Pool of Shadow Icon_minitimeMon 25 Sep 2023 - 13:33

I would handle it like this:
- Place some kind of “shadow” marker next to the spellcaster.
- As long as the marker is there, allies within 6” may hide as per the usual rules with the difference that you don’t need any terrain in order to hide as usual because the “shadow” of the spell provides this.
- Allies within 6” of the marker benefit from cover against shooting (this is irrelevant once the models choose to actually hide in the shadow)
- Remove the marker once an enemy moves within 6” of the marker.
- Remove the marker at the beginning if the Shadow Warriors’ player’s turn.

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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
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Pool of Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pool of Shadow   Pool of Shadow Icon_minitimeMon 25 Sep 2023 - 16:38

So you need to declare hiding in your movement phase to get benedit from the bubble?
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Pool of Shadow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pool of Shadow   Pool of Shadow Icon_minitimeSat 30 Sep 2023 - 23:53

Elfs inside the pool of shadows can hide immediatly after the mage cast the spell? Or they have to wait until their next movement phase?

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PostSubject: Re: Pool of Shadow   Pool of Shadow Icon_minitime

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