Thank you for taking the time to write this down, Martin! I do have some comments and questions...
- TheWatcher wrote:
- Unfortuntly last night saw 1 of our members drops so its just 3 of us now for this season so out game play will move to round robin format.
That does make sense when playing with so few members. We did the same when we were still three people: round robining 1 vs 1 battles or three-ways.
- TheWatcher wrote:
- last night was our first game in the BorderTown using the warbands from the previous week with there current xp we played ( Man Hunt ) rolling a chaos marauder , boar , and bear during the game i rolled fountain of blood ( not sure about you guys but i really really hate fountain of blood ) kev managed to passify the marauder i managed to take the boar and the bear was being made to run all over the board managing to create all kinds of panic and destruction think all in all it killed a wolf took a wound from my ogre guide take a wound from the wulfen kill 2 kislevites ohh and in the end killed my guide - i won the scenario all tho kev was a little annoyed and told me i had to write up on here that he managed to roll snake eyes 5 times during the game
I think you played this wrong.
Man Hunt is played in one of the four territories (as determined on the table). You then place one monster on the table for each warband (three in your case). These monsters are not determined at random but they are the "12" result on the respective table. So if you determined the northern wastes e.g., place three hydras. I don't understand where the marauder, boar and bear came from.. did you just determine the monsters at random? We were hoping that the example in the rules would make this clear..
The idea of this scenario is to have evil monsters hunting the warbands - it's the Monter Hunt scenario turned around with the warbands being the victims. This is a pretty ... difficult scenario as it requires the players to carefully place their scenery (to block the monsters' lines of sight) and to make heavy use of the "hide" mechanic. For starting warbands this is a very very dangerous scenario. Usually this scenario is used by stronger warbands during a campaign to beat certain opposing warbands (either weaker ones or less prepared ones). You might have noticed the Beastmaster skill at the beginning of the new rules chapter (BTB 1).
- TheWatcher wrote:
- i rolled fountain of blood ( not sure about you guys but i really really hate fountain of blood )
Ha ha, yeah that one is a pain. It is taken straight from the original Random Happenings from the Mordheim Annual, by the way. We wanted to use as many of the original events as possible and only made up new ones where we found the old ones to be either inappropriate or where we needed something to mix well with the campaign system (like the Belandysh appearance).
- TheWatcher (private message) wrote:
- ok basically to sum it up so far myself kev and chris love btb the scenario was different and fun we all liked that 1 specially with bouncing hostile bears all over the noard killing eachh others warbands
I'm glad you like the system. However, I would like you to play it again some day and then use the big monsters like it is meant to be. That changes a lot. With these deadly huge unkillable monsters roaming the table the games are very exciting. You must be very careful when moving your warband to not attract them. In this tension it is great fun to make use of some tricks.. like shooting all across the battlefield at a pacified monster, seeing it turn aggro and then attack the nearest warband - which just happens to be your opponent because he was closer to the beast that he thought would be quiet for now...