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 H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal

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H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Empty
PostSubject: H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal   H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jun 2017 - 10:29

Hi guys,

I have 2 full sets of the 8-figure 'Carnival of Chaos Warband' set - and one 'Plague Cart' - all complete and still in their original packaging. The boxes have been opened, but have been in storage since their original purchase back in the day...

Looking for £100 for each - but will offer a discount if someone wants more than one kit.

Pics available upon request... I'm based in Nottingham, UK - but will happily ship items via recorded delivery worldwide.

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Posts : 61
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Location : Midlands, UK

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H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Empty
PostSubject: Re: H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal   H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Icon_minitimeWed 14 Jun 2017 - 8:53

Some pics, as requested by a few members...

I've taken pics of one of the 'Carnival of Chaos' boxes (both have identical contents - no parts missing, and no miscasts as far as I can see) - and the Plague Cart

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6120_zpsgrs4hdwc

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6121_zpsrbcatqsi

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6122_zpsizchltn8

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6118_zpstemlq41i

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6117_zpses7bgy8l

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal IMG_6119_zpseflffdoh

I've also found an intact, never-opened blister of Nurglings - and four additional Carnival of Chaos Brethren - which I'll throw-in for free if anyone buys all three kits.


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Posts : 61
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Join date : 2007-11-13
Location : Midlands, UK

Personal Info
Primary Warband played: Reiklanders Reiklanders
Achievements earned: None

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Empty
PostSubject: Re: H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal   H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Icon_minitimeTue 20 Jun 2017 - 20:57

Update: One complete warband boxed set still available!

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal 5knhgx

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal 2ahs37s

H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal 2mq0vpg

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H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Empty
PostSubject: Re: H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal   H: Carnival of Chaos NIB - W: Paypal Icon_minitime

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