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 Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini

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Vampire - Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini Empty
PostSubject: Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini   Vampire - Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini Icon_minitimeSun 23 Oct 2016 - 3:16

Hello all, I call for help with a mini I got from reaper: Matthias the Twisted. The problem is that I want to obtain something similar to the look of the pick which appears on the webpage. I use citadel paints, Which are somewhat expensive, but I got used to them and after these years is difficult for me to make the change Razz , so I would appreciate if the paints recomended are the corresponding of this brand.

I imagine that for the robes I will have to use rinox hide, doombull brown and drybrush of some grey. It seems that it uses a little of green maybe? (nurgling green maybe?). As for the flesh, I have no clue...

Thank you all!

Vampire - Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini Rm-02810
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Vampire - Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini   Vampire - Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini Icon_minitimeSun 23 Oct 2016 - 9:50

That's a really nice mini, never noticed it before. But there is just so much nice stuff over at Reaper...
The look is not TOO different from what I do with most of my warbands (of course on a lower level) so if you'd care to browse through my thread:

And I use lots of GW-paints also, though I'm not familiar with their current names.
For a look like above, I'd start with a white or grey/white basecoat and use lots of thin layers or washes. My guess: Kommando Khaki, Graveyard Earth, Scorched Brown (really thin). This should achieve a similar look.
The skintones: I don't know, maybe it's just Bleached Bone with a thin wash of some Pallid Green or something.
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Help with the choice of paints for this vampire mini
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