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 H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites

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2 posters

Posts : 61
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Join date : 2007-11-13
Location : Midlands, UK

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Primary Warband played: Reiklanders Reiklanders
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carnival - H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites Empty
PostSubject: H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites   carnival - H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites Icon_minitimeThu 25 Feb 2016 - 22:04

Hi guys,

I have 2 full sets of the 8-figure 'Carnival of Chaos Warband' set - and one 'Plague Cart' - all complete and still in their original packaging. The boxes have been opened, but have been in storage since their original purchase back in the day...

I'm looking to expand my Kislevite warband - so if anyone has any Kislev miniatures going spare, and they'd like to trade for Carnival models - let me know.

Pics available upon request... I'm based in Nottingham, UK - but will happily ship items via recorded delivery worldwide.

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Posts : 76
Trading Reputation : 1
Join date : 2008-06-14
Location : Madrid, Spain

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Primary Warband played: Witch Hunters Witch Hunters
Achievements earned: None

carnival - H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites Empty
PostSubject: Re: H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites   carnival - H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites Icon_minitimeSun 28 Feb 2016 - 20:46


I am interested. What minis are you looking for? I have four WFB kislev cossaks + music and a streltsi model from original kislev warband range. I have Tsar Boris on bear in box too, opened but have all parts.
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H - Carnival of Chaos. W - Kislevites
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