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 The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival

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The Black Flame
The Black Flame

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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 23:59

Hey guys, I'm in need of some help in creating a Slaaneshi themed alternative to the Carnival of Chaos/Possessed an not just a model/conversion job, I'd like to create some rules to make a truly unique feeling warband.  The initial idea for this came from the WFRP Tome of Corruption Cover image which to my mind totally fits the idea of the last days of Mordheim, of decadence and corruption that was rife in the last days before the comet struck the city.

Ideas for Heroes would be something like a Dominatrix, Sorceress, Concubines maybe a lesser daemonette or 2 (toned down of course Smile ) Henchmen would be slaves and thralls stuff like that, maybe some kind of animal/chaos beasties/Serpents.

Also whips and cato' nine tails stuff, some kind of answer to the Sisters. So yeah chips, dips (ooh yeah a glutton), chains, whips etc Razz

I'm really not a rules guy so any help would be great Very Happy

carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival UYnqduml

I totally want to use this lovely model for a Chaos Sorceress/ Dominatrix lady.
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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeSat 23 Jan 2016 - 8:42


I don't have any solid rule suggestions to give you but one unique aspect I think you should play up is the corrupting decadent influence. A focus on the enemies' leadership and using it against them would be very fitting. Perhaps some spells or special rules could target leadership and cause warriors to lose control of themselves if they fail the test, with some possibilities in the cult warband for making it more likely to happen. Being within 6'' of a daemonette could give a -1LD modifier, or something.
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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2016 - 22:46


I have two cult of pleasure warband versions, but are druchii warbands, perhaps you could adapt it. From ezines:

Dark Elf Cult of Pleasure
“We have such sights to show you. But know that all true pleasures are received in
pain.” – Sorceress Johalri, upon bestowing the mark of Slaanesh on a nobleman

Within Dark Elf society there are rumours that disturb even the cold hearted scions of the Lord of
Murder, for the Cult of Khaine has a rival. Despite their persecution, many Dark Elves secretly
persist in the outlawed worship of the Chaos god Slaanesh. Such apostasy comes at a steep price,
and a follower of the Prince of Pleasure can expect death at the hands of the devotees of Khaine
should they be discovered. Yet Morathi's Cult of Slaanesh grows stronger with every passing day
and now the followers of the Prince of Pleasure set their sights on the treasure-filled cities of
Lustria. If such a campaign is successful, the Cult of Slaanesh could potentially become

Cult of Pleasure Skill Table

High Sorceress Academic, Speed
Anointed Combat, Academic, Strenght, Speed
Fellblade Combat, Speed

Henchmen that become may not choose Strength skills as one of their two skill lists.

Choice of Warriors & Starting Experience
A High Sorceress starts with 20 experience.
A Druchii Anointed starts with 12 experience.
Fellblades start with 12 experience.
Henchmen start with 5 experience.

The number of warriors in a Dark Elf warband may never exceed 12.

Maximum Characteristics
Dark Elf characteristics cannot be increased beyond the values shown below:
Elf 5 7 6 4 3 3 8 4 10
Anointed 5 7 6 5 4 3 8 4 10

Anointed Daemonic Gifts
Elves are a noble and ancient race that has
traditionally shunned the Chaos Gods. So
Slaanesh is pleased when a Dark Elf Noble
commits himself to his servitude.
When you recruit a Druchii Anointed you may
buy him a single Gift of Slaanesh to represent
this favour, although you do not have to.

Quickening Blood 50gc
The Anointed always strikes first in hand-tohand
combat, even if charged or armed with a
Two-handed weapon. If any enemies also have
the ability to strike first (such as warriors armed
with spears), attacks are determined in order of

Allure of Slaanesh 50gc
Each enemy wanting to shoot at the Anointed
must take a successful Leadership test. If failed,
that enemy may not shoot this turn.

Beckon of Immortality 30gc
If the Anointed is not Out of action, Knocked
down or Stunned he may re-roll the first failed
rout test.

Cult of Pleasure Special Equipment
This equipment is unique to Slaanesh Cults and no other Warbands may purchase it.

Slaaneshi Steed
Availability: 125gc, rare 12, Druchii Anointed
and Chaos Champions only
These hermaphroditic lithe daemonic mounts
possess a disturbingly hypnotic appearance and
unmistakable sinuous beauty.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
10 3 0 4 3 1 5 1 5

Fear: Steeds of Slaanesh cause fear.

Poisonous: The tongue of a Slaaneshi Steed is
so venomous that it can drive a man delirious.
Attacks from a Slaaneshi Steed count as
poisoned. If the enemy is immune to poison
then its strength is reduced to 3.


1 High Sorceress
70gc to hire
The High Sorceresses of the Cult of Slaanesh
serve as ambassadors of Chaos, introducing the
idle noblemen to the path of damnation.
Sorceresses are long-lived and a single
Sorceress can introduce many a noble to the
ways of the dark prince.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9

Leader: Any warrior within 6” of the Highborn
may use her Leadership instead of their own.

Wizard: A Dark Elf Sorceress is a wizard and
uses Chaos Magic. If she is killed, the Druchii
Anointed may take a spell as his next skill and
spells whenever he subsequently gains a skill.

Kindred Hatred: The wars between the Druchii
and the Asur have raged for many centuries,
much to the detriment of both races. Dark
Elves hate all High Elves.

0-1 Druchii Anointed
55gc to hire (+ Daemonic Gift)
The anointed is a Dark Elf Highborn who has
chosen to embrace Slaanesh. While such nobles
may retain their elven name and persona for
years after pledging allegiance to the Prince of
Pleasure, it will eventually all erode in time as
his psyche merges with that of his dark god.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
5 5 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Immune to Psychology: The Druchii Anointed is
imbued with the Mark of Slaanesh and thus not
affected by any psychology. Not even by the
kindred hatred of his Asur kin.

1 Torturer - 40 Gold Crowns to hire

A Torturer may be armed with weapons and armour
chosen from the Druchii Heroes Equipment list and a

Special Rules -
Pleasure of Torture: Barbarian Slaves may use his
Leadership when within 6”


Devoted - 45 Gold Crowns to hire
The Devoted are Dark Elves who have completely
given themselves over to Slaanesh, the Dark Prince.
5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 8

Devoted may be armed with weapons and armour
chosen from the Druchii equipment list, barring all
missile weapons.

Special Rules -
Immune to Psychology,
Black Lotus: The Devoted poison their weapons with
Black Lotus. They gather it themselves and will never
sell it.

0-3 Daemonettes of Slaanesh
60gc to hire
Gifted with disturbing beauty, Daemonettes are
the Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh. Vicious,
spiteful, yet loving in the fatal affections they
lavish upon those who dare refuse their chaotic
charms, Daemonettes are swift and deadly to
all who cross their path. On lithe legs they
surge across the battlefield, dancing from foe
to foe, gifting each in turn with gaping wounds
from their scythe-like talons.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
5 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 10

Invulnerable: Daemonettes have a 5+ save that
is modified as normal.

Immune to Psychology: Daemonettes are not
affected by any psychology.

Immune to Poison: Daemonettes are not
affected by any poison.

Sharp Talons: The arms of a Daemonette end in
sharps talons so their attacks have an extra
save modifier of -1.

Cause Fear: Daemonettes are unnatural
creatures that cause fear.

Experience: Daemonettes are not individuals,
but an extension of their God’s will. They do
not gain experience.

0-3 Barbarian Slaves - 20 Gold Crowns to hire
The Dark Elves belonging to the Cult of Pleasure tend
to have a large stock of slaves for their strange
needs. Some of them, especially men from the
northern tribes, willingly join the services to their
masters to come into favour with their god.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD
4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Barbarian Slaves may be armed with weapons and
armour chosen from the Barbarian Slave equipment

For Magic you must take a look BTB chaos marauders warband on Shornaal Spell List. Daemonettes from BTB bestiary is another option too and chaos gifts and slaanesh mutations from Power in Stones article by Werekin.

I hope that copy/paste from there will be helpful to you.

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The Black Flame
The Black Flame

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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2016 - 23:50

Thanks for the response guys Smile

:- Leadership modifiers sound like a great idea and its made me think of some of the old 2nd ed 40K slaanesh rules, musks and aura's! definitely food for thought.

Pyyr:- Thanks for sharing that, I'll certainly look it over and see if I can plunder anything useful Smile
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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2016 - 8:24

I would like to first say hello all.  First post ever on these forums.

While I'm not particularly great at balancing, with the information provided here I believe I can come pretty close.

Masterspark - From what I've seen around the forums, you have brilliant ideas.  This would be the focus of the warband and make them truly unique.  (Awesome undead warband BTW)

Pyyr - Amazing ideas right there.  Add a few whips and it already feels Slaanesh.

The Black Flame - If nothing is set for this warband yet, let me know.  Would love to have a go at creating this as another viable warband.  (Mainly because I'm trying to get my wife to play Mordheim  and I think she would dig this  Wink )
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carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Empty
PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitimeTue 23 Feb 2016 - 22:12

Thanks for the kind words, CursedLizard!

I'd also be interested to know if TBF has taken this any further. Let's hope he replies.
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PostSubject: Re: The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival   carnival - The cult of pleasure - An alternative to the Carnival Icon_minitime

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