hi all this ist my trade list....was in italian....if you want i can try to translate......
1 principe demone
(Demon Prince)1 ogre musico
(Ogre Musician)1 ogre alfiere
(Ogre Std bearer)18 guerrieri del caos (ed. mutazioni) come nuovi
(Chaos Warriors, incl. Mutations, as new)13 guerrieri del caos (ed. mutazioni) montati primatizzati in nero
(Chaos Warriors, incl. Mutations, basecoated black)5 cavalieri pesanti (cavalli in cattive condizioni)
(Mounted Yeomen, horses in bad cond.)5 predoni a cavallo ( cavalli in cattive condizioni)
(Mounted Marauders, horses in bad cond.)1 carro del coas come nuovo primatizzato in nero
(Chaos Chariot, basecoated black, as new)1-3 progenie ( devo rimetterle assieme)
(Tyranids?)spaw i belive...
6 lupi (cavalca lupi goblin) con le code staccate
(plastic wolves)7 nogor (montati e primatizzati in nero)
(Ungors, assem. and basecoated black)6 gor con 2 armi montati e primatizzati in nero (musico e alfiere)
(Gor with 2 weapons, assembled and basecoated black)11 gor con arma e scudo montati primatizzati in nero ( musico e alfiere)
(Gors with HWeapon and shield, assembled and basecoated black)16 bestigor vecchi pitturati (male)
(old Bestigors, painted)5 cavaliere del coas vecchi (pitturati cosi cosi)
(old Chaos Knights, painted)2 dragoorgre
(Dragon Ogre)3-4 centigor
(Centigor)Non morti: (premetto che sono pitturati male tutti)
(Undead, all badly painted)1 negromante
(Necromancer)1 ombra
(Wraith)20 scheletri
(Skeleton Warriors)12 guardie dei tumoli
(Grave guard)3 basette di fantasmi
(Base with ghosts, i.e. spirit host)5 spettri a cavallo
(Black Knights)i search for:
witch hunter
imperial men whit sword et similar and with bow/crossbow
halfling whit sword et similar
2-4 goul
i belive this is all...but can propose
Tried my best at translating. Please correct if there are mistakes & complete if things are missing.
-- Admin Tom