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 Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)

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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 16:56

Hi there! I will be posting all my progress on my warbands, feedback is apreciated, altough I have to advance that is very unlikely that I´m going to make changes in models that I´ve finished painting (I´m utterly lazy).

I have years of experience painting, but i´m not very fond of using complex techniques (a matter of time), take that into account when suggesting tips Razz

If any of you have any questions towards painting recipes, conversions or trademarks of any of my miniatures make me k

First of all, a couple of wary peasants

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) BBTNh0u

And, to begin, with the carnival, a brethen

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) NG4ahl6

Aaand another brethen

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) G0iqXa2

First Tainted One

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) S3w2aWi

The brute, omfg, how i love this model (pretty expensive in ebay though, not getting another)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Bm9bEIe

Detail on his nasty back

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) E47TXoL

A family picture

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) PZDKdm4

For the moment, that´s all!! bounce

Last edited by jymmy on Fri 21 Jul 2017 - 14:17; edited 8 times in total
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 11 May 2015 - 17:30

Nice looking models thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeThu 14 May 2015 - 20:34

A small update...

The mercenaries prepare for an squirmish in the ruined house, stay sharp...

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) NyryuYW

Here´s my vampire tormenting the poor fellow, maybe in a future I will pick a Von Carstein, but I always prefered the strigoi clan

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) WhdrCdt

A WIP of one of the possesed, disgusting! (they have to live up their name!)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) PmIjTNr

And finally, the mutherfucking dogs of the witch hunters, I need some advice on these

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) QplNgeR

I´m not sure about wich colour scheme to use with the pack. should I choose a diferent colour for each dog? and, well, any idea about how to paint them would be greatly apreciated thumbsup

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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeThu 14 May 2015 - 21:54

The one in front looks very close to an actual mastiff alrerady. I'd probably look for pics of mastiffs on the internet for colours I like. As far as I can see (just scanning google right now) there are the beige ones, dark brown ones and some that are reddish. Snouts and ears usually black. You've got some multiple poses. I'd try to paint the same poses in different colours.
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeThu 14 May 2015 - 22:02

the funny thing is that I received 4 dogs with the same damned pose!! I had to do a little conversion work to get out with some hint of diversity!
A friend of mine suggested to paint the dogs as famous dog actors (beethoven, air bud, etc) Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2016 - 17:41

Long time since last update! Sorry guys, I found it pretty hard to update this for the last year!!, so now i have accumulated loads of pics!!

Last time I posted, I was working on the Carnival of Chaos warband, by now is finished, but I don´t have at hand the miniatures to take them pics, so it will have to wait, for the moment I will share other WIPS, and the first finished pics of Witch Hunters!

First is a pic of when I was begining with the plague cart

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-011

Next, some conversion work for the possesed

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-012

A cathedral from Pegassus Hobbies, lot of work to do tough, but surely its nice (ignore the christmas tree)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-110

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-111

The next picture is my idea for doing the street floor for my tabletop

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-010

And some market stalls!!

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-112

As soon I can I will upload some other photos!!
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2016 - 20:33

man, i love the work you're doing. I especially like the market stall. If i may ask, where are those witch hunter mastiffs from?
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2016 - 1:10

The mastiffs are from warlord games, Im not sure, but I think that they are called "briton mastiffs". The blister includes 5 dogs and are not so expensive. The only problem are the random poses that can come repeated. With a little effort something can be done (look at mine, 4 exactly the same, is difficult to have a worse luck!).

The market stalls have a tutorial in this forum if I recall correctly!
Im going to do some photos to the finished mastiffs for the next batch.
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2016 - 5:06

Great update! Excellent plague cart thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2016 - 14:04

Sorry I missed this when you started posting. You have some WONDERFULLY imaginative, BEAUTIFULLY modeled creations. OUTSTANDING WORK!   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2016 - 16:10

Thanks for the feedback! Such feeling, I might get addicted  Razz

There´s more photos left!; I will begin the update with a couple of pics of my second witch hunter, Filthy Frank, still WIP

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-015

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2015-016

As I promised, here´s a pic of the finished dogs (four out of five, I can´t come up with a way to paint the last one!)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-013

And, finally, the flagelants completely finished, as with the huntress!!

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-014

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-015

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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2016 - 19:06

Filthy Frank has a lot of potential. The Flagellants & the Huntress have lived up to their potential SPLENDIDLY.   thumbsup
The Puppies look TERRIFIC as well. For the fifth you could do a red brown where you have the white on the left two for a Rottweiler look:

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 220px-Rottweiler_standing_facing_left

What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2016 - 1:29

I have the same hounds, you did a great job on them!
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Feb 2016 - 13:58

Hi there!, Today´s update is just a few pics of my last purchases/conversions  bounce

Wonderful dwarf warriors that I found last week on my local store! These beauties only cost me 10 euros!

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-017

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-018

An arab merchant (an inkeeper from an unknown brand), a sister superior and my first novice conversion!

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-019

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-020

Lastly, most of the kislev heroes; the woman will be the druzhina, the man of the axe an essaul and two youths (the one with the crossbow got his head stolen by the future prince, so i´m looking for replacements)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 2016-021
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Feb 2016 - 14:33

You have some TERRIFIC LOOKING miniatures there. Have FUN with the painting et al.   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Oct 2016 - 17:07

It has been a lot of time since last time I updated, by now, I´m finished with Witch Hunters and I´m doing the Undead. Next week I´m gonna post a family pick of both complete Witch Hunters and Carnival of Chaos Warbands.

Here is some ghouls, a ghoul hero (I felt almost obligued to obtain a different model, as there´s no way to differentiate a ghoul hero just with the games workshop box) mixed with a couple of kislev models which I was using for experimenting with the paint scheme of the warband (yep, obvious spoiler of the next warband I´m going to do!)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161010

url=]carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161011[/url]

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161013

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161012

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161014

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161015

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161016

Last edited by jymmy on Fri 28 Oct 2016 - 1:55; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Oct 2016 - 18:07

COOL GHOULS & opponents! They all painted up SPLENDIDLY!   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Oct 2016 - 19:35

The bloodeffect works well on the ghouls. I also like your Kislevites. What manufacturer is that? The girl looks like Werner Klocke's work so I guess Reaper (as I don't recall a mini like that for Freebooter's Fate).
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Oct 2016 - 20:14

I´m in absolute love with the blood effect, i´m not a fan of imbuing all the weapons in gore, but with the nasty canibals was mandatory! The kislevites are from Warmachine, concretely khador kossite woodsmen. Since the original mordheim warband is so expensive, and gw only has cossacks, the privateer press russian style minis are a nice addition!
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 28 Oct 2016 - 2:02

I reuploaded the latest picks, for some reason they stopped showing. Also, here is a couple of shots of one of the witch hunters (with an even more awful resolution!!  tongue )

Behold "Lemon Hunter" (The reasons behind its name come from an story not worth writting at all!)

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161017

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161018

(A friend suggested me to equip him with a brazier mace, and turned out pretty well I must say!)
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 28 Oct 2016 - 3:56

That is a SPLENDIDLY painted piece with lots of interesting details to it.  I'm not sold on the position; re, it looks more like he's tripping than charging. Other than that VERY NICELY DONE!   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeFri 28 Oct 2016 - 15:21

The brazier-mace is a cool idea. I also like the head, what mini is that from?
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeWed 2 Nov 2016 - 2:34

It´s from an spanish miniature brand, A Capa y Espada, the miniature is called Zapador (Sapper)

Quote :
I'm not sold on the position; re, it looks more like he's tripping than charging

Technically, people in mordheim spend most of the time tripping while trying to climb or landing succesfully, so is not innacurate at all Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeWed 2 Nov 2016 - 3:43

jymmy wrote:

Quote :
I'm not sold on the position; re, it looks more like he's tripping than charging

Technically, people in mordheim spend most of the time tripping while trying to climb or landing succesfully, so is not innacurate at all Laughing

That is a point well taken.   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP)   carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2016 - 23:17

Yes, I know that by this moment I should be uploading undead and be finished with the witch hunters, but I realised that there was a lot of details left to finish, so until next week I can´t continue with the putrid peoples.

Here is, Filthy Frank and an original Mordheim dog. Once again I´m sorry about the illumination and quality of the photos, I´m far from being an expert photographer, and if it not was enough, I´m pretty lazy! Wink

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carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161111

carnival - Jymmy´s Mordheim project - Carnival of Chaos (& other WIP) 20161112
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