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 Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)

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Honour Guard
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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 5 Dec 2014 - 18:21

......he walk´s among us, again, and has taken disguise as a student living in dresden, germany! Undead

i just browsed for the old kemmler mini on google and found him, here: affraid

Lord Flasheart: And always remember - if you want something, take it! Bobby!
Bob Parkhurst: [enters] My lord?
Lord Flasheart: I want something.
Bob Parkhurst: Take it!
[she undoes her shirt - exeunt]
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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 5 Dec 2014 - 20:01

Is he once again studying to be a physician? Let's hope he doesn't turn to necromancy this time. Laughing
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 5 Dec 2014 - 22:21

haha, would be all to good for dresden, and hej, havent checked on the name krell. Should there be a guy named krell in dresden too, then its good night dresden!i´ll check now.......

Lord Flasheart: And always remember - if you want something, take it! Bobby!
Bob Parkhurst: [enters] My lord?
Lord Flasheart: I want something.
Bob Parkhurst: Take it!
[she undoes her shirt - exeunt]
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 5 Dec 2014 - 22:23

....haha, you wont belive it, havnt found one but 12 krell all together, well in that case our friend kemmler here can choose his sidekick-champion out of many this time, not to bad hu?Wink

Lord Flasheart: And always remember - if you want something, take it! Bobby!
Bob Parkhurst: [enters] My lord?
Lord Flasheart: I want something.
Bob Parkhurst: Take it!
[she undoes her shirt - exeunt]
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Venerable Ancient
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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015 - 20:51

Arkhan the Black tries to kill him off in the End Times campaign, after Kemmler reveals himself as a turncoat and pawn of the Chaos gods!


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Honour Guard
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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015 - 20:56

...always knew it.... Shocked

Lord Flasheart: And always remember - if you want something, take it! Bobby!
Bob Parkhurst: [enters] My lord?
Lord Flasheart: I want something.
Bob Parkhurst: Take it!
[she undoes her shirt - exeunt]
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Venerable Ancient
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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015 - 22:13

So then Dresden really is a den of evil and necromancy, do sound a bit like a certain city we know and love
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PostSubject: Re: Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)   Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....) Icon_minitime

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Heinrich Kemmler lives!(well, sort of....)
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