This has already been up on the forum before (
Deathwish & Hatred), but there wasn't much discussion, and I feel there should've been.
Special rule 1:
Deathwish: Troll Slayers seek an honorable death in combat. They are completely immune to all psychology and never need to test if fighting alone.
Special rule 2:
Hate Orcs & Goblins: All Dwarfs hate Orcs and Goblins. See the psychology section of the Mordheim rules for details on the effects of hatred.
For me, there's two possibilities:
1: Deathwish works as it says rulewise, and Troll Slayers will not suffer from hatred.
2: Deathwish is re-written to make the Troll Slayer immune to fear and all-alone tests, meaning they can still suffer from hatred, frenzy or stupidity (this makes more sense to me fluffwise atleast).
Anyone who's an expert on this area?