Hey there,
my gaming group finally decided to bring our coming campaign setting into a more usable written form including all special rules, exploration chart and warbands. Thereby I wondered about the common expectations players have and which requirements have to be fulfilled by a new setting.
Most settings consist at least of a new exploration chart and special terrain, often along with appropriate new warbands, scenarios and environmental rules like weather.
One question that bothers me is: Do you have to reinvent the wheel? So does a new setting need absolutely new concepts like BTB's campaigning system or can a setting be viable with mostly using and modifying existing rules?
At last the optical appearance does certainly matter - a bunch of plain pdfied Word documents won't get as many worshippers as a fully layouted setting book like BTB.
As a conclusion, we came up with the following list to fulfill in our setting:
- exploration chart
- scenarios
- random happenings
- new equipment
- new objectives (using the marvellous concept from BTB)
- environment (in this case rules for bad sight)
- new meta-phase dependent on campaign progress, affecting games/exploration/bargaining in subsequent campaign rounds
- several fitting warbands
- apendix: rules for map-based campaigns
- setting description (history & current status)
- relations between different factions/warbands
- warband fluff
- stories
- picture-heavy InDesign layout comparable to BTB (being trained as a technical editor has its benefits^^)
What else would you expect from a setting (besides being perfectly balanced
) or what don't you want to see ever in setting rules?