our gaming group uses these skills as well from the
http://www.killershrike.com/ our campaign in up to game 700 so we have monstrous warbands, otherwise these may be a little unbalanced
Vampiric Skills
The Embrace The
Vampire is powerful enough to sire progeny; that is to say make Lesser Vampires. The
Vampire may turn any and all Dregs in his force into Lesser Vampires. These Lesser Vampires keep thier current statistic profiles and abilities, but gain the following new attributes:
6" Move
Vampire Profile Maximum
Cause Fear
Immune to Stunning
Access to the Vampiric Skill List
Are True Undead (and are no longer living creatures)
If any of the Lesser Vampires Leadership values ever equal that of the Master
Vampire (the
Vampire possessing this skill), the Master
Vampire and the Lesser
Vampire will fight one another for control of the warband. It is assumed that one or the other succeeds; the Undead player must choose one of the Vampires to keep and remove all others with an equivalent Leadership value from their roster; they may keep any Equipment the slain Vampires possessed and redistribute it among other members of the Warband.
Alternately the Lesser
Vampire can leave the warband and form a new Undead warband, keeping any Equipment they have but counting against the 500gp starting gold of the new warband (and taking the place of the normal
Vampire Leader, obviously).
Mist Form The
Vampire may choose to disperse himself into a misty non-corporeal form during his own Recovery phase. While in Mist Form the
Vampire is immune to non-magical attacks, may leave any HtH combats he is engaged in without being struck, and can ignore terrain and height. However, he can not run or charge, use any other abilities that affect corporeal models, or use any equipment that he might be carrying.
Additionally, no other models may use his Leadership Value. He may stay in this Mist Form for a maximum of 2 of his own Turns at a time. The
Vampire resumes his normal form in the Recovery Phase at will or after the time limit has expired.
Mantle of Shadows The
Vampire can mystically cloak himself in shadows and darkness. The
Vampire gains the Infiltrate Special ability. Further, all foes targeting the
Vampire using thier BS suffer an additional -1 penalty in addition to any other penalties that apply.
Lure The
Vampire is able to exert his will over his foes. If any foes taken out of action by the Undead force recieve the Captured result the Undead have an additional option beyond those printed: The captured Hero may be Lured into service by the
Vampire, filling a roster slot as if they were a Dreg. The vicitm keeps all of thier abilities and skill access options EXCEPT the learning and casting of Spells, as the
Vampire's control of thier mind inhibits their Spellcasting ability. Sisters of Sigmar and Warrior Priests loose any Special Skills and access to thier Prayers, and may no longer use Sigmarite Warhammers or Holy Relics.
Normal limitations on the number of Dregs in the band apply.
Hypnotic Gaze At the begining of every HtH Combat Turn before charges are resolved the
Vampire may attempt to transfix a single foe already in HtH with the
Vampire with his Hypnotic Gaze. The target must make a Leadership roll or freeze, captured by the Vampires will. Hypnotized models may not fight in the ensuing phase of HtH combat and all HtH attacks against them automatically hit. They recover from being hypnotized at the end of the HtH phase.
Eerie Presence The
Vampire exudes such an unnerving aura that all foes fighting with him in HtH must make All Alone tests every single turn even if they are not actually fighting alone. This does not work versus foes that are Immune to Psychology, All Alone Tests, or Fear.
Bloodsucker If the
Vampire puts a foe Out of Action by any means in HtH combat and is more than 2" away from any other enemy then he sucks the foes blood and thereby gains a Wound in addition to taking the foe Out of Action. This power can take the
Vampire over his normal Wounds limit for the duration of the battle.
Blood Magic The
Vampire may choose to use any one of the Strength or Speed Skills that he does not already possess for the remainder of the game, but looses a Wound for each skill he uses. The
Vampire must currently have 2 or more wounds to use this ability.