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 Carnival of Chaos Alternatives

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carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Empty
PostSubject: Carnival of Chaos Alternatives   carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 3:48

Since Games Workshop no longer sells the models for the Carnival of Chaos, does anyone have any suggestions for converting the models? I'd prefer suggestions related to GW product, but I guess models from other miniatures companies could do as well.
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos Alternatives   carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 8:43

What kind of strikes me as obvious is that quite a few of the Carneval-models don't look like carnevale or travelling folk at all, imo. The Hamlet-guy looks the part and so do the brute and the small one, but only because they got the fancy hats/cowls. All the other ones are just robed guys that don't necessarily shout "CARNEVALE" in your face. That said, you could pretty much use anything, add a cowl, use some bright colors and you should be fine.
I've found two pics in this photobucket:[term]=carnival%20of%20chaos&filters[primary]=images
That guy uses mercs, orks, elves etc.... The only "original" model is Hamlet-guy.
Minis that strike me as obvious are:
Jules le Jongleur from the Brets-range:
The drummer's head from the Bretonnian men-at-arms:
A nice brute with a headswap would be this one:
(the chaos sorcerer or the nurgle sorcerer from this range would be great magisters, I'd guess).
The Sartosa-Vampire might be an alternative for the Hamlet-guy:
And the familiars might be good substitutes for nurglings:

Edit: if you want to go with something closer to an original Carnevale, take a look at Freebooter's Range, especially the Brotherhood from Freebooter's Fate.
And also, of course, the Carnevale-Range by Vesper-On Games:
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos Alternatives   carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 13:17

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Primary Warband played: Carnival of Chaos (EIF) Carnival of Chaos (EIF)
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos Alternatives   carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013 - 14:18

Maybe with some conversions you could use GW zombies as actor while marauders or chaos nurgle lord as brute:
carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Dsc01510
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PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos Alternatives   carnival - Carnival of Chaos Alternatives Icon_minitime

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