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 Reiklander and Marienburger captain

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Captain Ludwig of Altdorf
Captain Ludwig of Altdorf

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Age : 27
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Reiklander and Marienburger captain Empty
PostSubject: Reiklander and Marienburger captain   Reiklander and Marienburger captain Icon_minitimeThu 2 May 2013 - 15:03

I've always had a soft spot in my heart for flintlock pistols, so when the rumour started to spread that GW would stop producing specialist game models, I instantly ordered both Mordheim models holding flintlock pistols ( and

Now, both models have two designs, of which only one has a flintlock. There's a good chance (75%) that at least one of the models I ordered is the version without flintlock pistol. Should I get the 'wrong' version, I am willing to sell or -preferably- trade the model.

I'll probably have the models in a few days, I'll let you know which models I got by then.
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Reiklander and Marienburger captain
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