I am working on a revision of the Border Town Burning supplement for Mordheim only set in the Empire's borderlands (as opposed to Cathy). Ostland will be played in heavily and one of the two allied Order factions will be a Ostlander warband. I want to make them seem a little more unique than the other standard Merc Band- and I think looking at their version of Marksmen, the Jaegers, might be the trick.
The Merc band has a "skilled" henchmen, the Swordsmen: WS 4, Swordsmen Skill -35gc
would it be broken if I tweaked the Jaeger from a :BS 3 -25 gc "Marksmen" to the closet thing I can to being the Swordsmen class by making them:
BS 4 - Hunter skill and 35gc
stat for stat, skill for skill, crown for crown. This works for me but I assume you MathHammer guys out there might know more about the value of some of these abilities.
Please share your thoughts!