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 Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones

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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 10:45

Hey everyone!
I'm about to start a new Warband, CoC, and I have some questions about the tainted ones.

I love the idea of having a bloated jester as a tank, which I'm planning of getting so many injuries as possible from being ooa (read jester with a death wish) Wink But to be a usable tank I want to start my tainted one with 3 blessings; cloud of flies, bloated foulness and mark of Nurgle. This puts the tainted one at toughness 4 and 3 wounds.

Though I'm interested in learning if I've already capped my toughness and wounds for my "human" model or if blessings can make the stats in beyond the human stat cap?

In any case I'm creating this monster, I just wanted to hear your take on it Smile

kind regards!
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 11:41

I can't remember how it relates to max stats. However, the tank strategy is a popular one. Especially when paired with Healing Herbs. Ouch!
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 13:33

Zero2Hero-DK wrote:

I love the idea of having a bloated jester as a tank, which I'm planning of getting so many injuries as possible from being ooa (read jester with a death wish) Wink But to be a usable tank I want to start my tainted one with 3 blessings; cloud of flies, bloated foulness and mark of Nurgle. This puts the tainted one at toughness 4 and 3 wounds.

Im really not sure, but I guess that blessings add up until max human stats are reached.

Other thing is - giving one model three blessings would cost a lot. Every blessing after the first one costs double. So, all three would cost 160gc (assuming that starting blessing is the most expensive one), plus cost of the model and equipment. He would be a nice fighter, true, but I dont think he would be worth it.
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 13:55

Aureus wrote:

Im really not sure, but I guess that blessings add up until max human stats are reached.

Ah, now I'd go the other way with that - the blessings are making the creature non-human so we'd go with ignoring the stat-cap for humans.

Plus cost wise, I'm thinking all eggs in one basket Smile If it works, I rekon it'll work well, but the trick will be getting it to work I rekon
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 14:26

Aureus wrote:

Other thing is - giving one model three blessings would cost a lot. Every blessing after the first one costs double. So, all three would cost 160gc (assuming that starting blessing is the most expensive one), plus cost of the model and equipment. He would be a nice fighter, true, but I dont think he would be worth it.

It doesn't matter for me whether I win or lose, so popping so much gold in one model isn't a concern Smile I share the all eggs in one basket analogy - why not have one kickass hero to start out ? my fluff on the Warband Is centered around this character, which is a crazed jester who has gained the respect of all the crew members because of his recklessness and blessings from father Nurgle Wink

I'll indeed get those healing herbs ASAP!

I hope it'll work out Hehe

Yes, about the stats I would agree that the skills unhumanly buffs the character beyond the normal stats, but just wanted to be sure Smile
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Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 15:33

They are a blessing, unless you find a rule that states it one way or another I would say they do not count towards the Stat max.
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 16:07

The blessings don't change the basic stats. I would handle them like unremovable items.
A twohanded weapon gives you +2 strength, but your max charistic as human is S4, so there are options to increase your stats with items over your racial maximum. The same fits for blessings or mutations. An extra arms goes on top of you normal stats.

Last edited by Saranor on Tue 14 Feb 2012 - 16:13; edited 2 times in total
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carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 16:11

Saranor wrote:
The blessings don't change the basic stats. I would handly them like unremovable items.
The same fit for blessings or mu
tations. An extra arms goes on top of you normal stats.

That is an brilliant argument, thanks a lot... to all of you!
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PostSubject: Re: Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones   carnival - Carnival of Chaos - Tainted Ones Icon_minitime

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