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Capt B
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PostSubject: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 19:06

Hello I'm new here but I have some wip images to share with you. I currently making a modular Mordheim board. Here are the beginings of my work so far

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0678

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0681

As you can see I'm making 2ft square sections based on 6mm mdf with expanded polystyrene sub structure.

I currently have 4 sections planned out and have begun work on one of the two canal sections
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 19:48

Adding blue foam facings and bridges etc....

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0684

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0685

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0690
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 19:56

More progress

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0692

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0696

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0700

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0703
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 20:21

That's some VERY PROMISING work. I love the bridge & the arched waterway, the stone work, the stairs...well just everything about the piece. Keep up the FINE WORK; this is going to be a treasure. thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 22:07

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (jaw drops in amazement)

WOW. This looks good.

Cant wait to see how this project progresses

Good luck
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeSun 5 Feb 2012 - 23:48

Most recent images

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0712

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0711

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0710

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0708

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0707

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0713
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 2:46


and what I mean is:

1) that's not my style and I would never do that (and not because it's bad in the slightest), but...

2) it's awesome and I would totally want to bring 6-12 minis and dice and play on that board!!!

keep it going...

much love Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 4:10

BEAUTIFUL WORK! The high level of craftsmanship & the speed with which it's accomplished are stunning. thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 4:55

Great beginning! I love all the angles and varied heights. The board looks full of potential.
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 5:27

Quite amazing! Can't wait to see more pictures!
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 8:40

Crikey o'blimey! Shocked

This is a really nice looking board, and looks like it's been done at super quick speed...

I'm looking forward to more updates Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 10:17

Welcome aboard Captain B - your work is amazing - like the others, I can't wait to see the finished product, but will eagerly follow your progress!
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 20:52

Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments Very Happy I have to confess I'm not as quick as I seem though - those are saved up images from the last few weeks - new updates will be a little farther apart! But updates there will be.

For your interest in the meantime here are some pieces I've done to demonstrate the types of finishes and colours I intend to use - I hope you like them.

Capt B's Work In Progress CopyofDSCF0634

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0635

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0637

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0640

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0646

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0647

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0648

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0669
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 21:22

VERY, VERY WELL DONE! Those really are BEAUTIFUL pieces...all sorts of interesting angles & details done up with a FINE choice of colors. thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeMon 6 Feb 2012 - 23:02

Capt B wrote:
Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments Very Happy I have to confess I'm not as quick as I seem though - those are saved up images from the last few weeks - new updates will be a little farther apart! But updates there will be.

Sneaky! pirat Never the less, still excellent work Smile

Capt B wrote:

For your interest in the meantime here are some pieces I've done to demonstrate the types of finishes and colours I intend to use - I hope you like them.

I've got to ask - what did you use for the texture on the base? It looks a little like textured wallpaper, although I couldn't say for sure.
It does however look just about like what I've been scouring the local Diy stores for with very little success...
Which is odd as I live within 5 minutes walk of 3 of the big chains.... Sad
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeTue 7 Feb 2012 - 0:05

Hi Ghostbear - it is indeed textured wallpaper - I picked it up from Homebase about a year ago. On a recent visit to my local store I couldn't find it again - I think they no longer stock it.

But do not despair after a bit of research I've discovered that it is Anaglypta RD100

It's not cheap, unless of course, you are comparing it to the price of textured plasticard - which we might be Very Happy

It doesn't look like much until you paint it and then - well you can see for yourself.

I also found in B&Q a textured wallpaper which is just mini scale brickwork (no other way to describe it really - can't imagine why you'd want it in your living room!) I'm using it extensively on my modular board. Again, it won't look like much until it's painted.

You might have also noticed that the plaster effect on the buildings is also a wallpaper, as is the wattle effect underneath it in patches
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeTue 7 Feb 2012 - 7:46

Capt B wrote:
Hi Ghostbear - it is indeed textured wallpaper - I picked it up from Homebase about a year ago. On a recent visit to my local store I couldn't find it again - I think they no longer stock it.

Thats Murphy's law in action Smile

Capt B wrote:

But do not despair after a bit of research I've discovered that it is Anaglypta RD100

It's not cheap, unless of course, you are comparing it to the price of textured plasticard - which we might be Very Happy
Aye, especially with an extra £8 postage Shocked Good find though

Capt B wrote:

It doesn't look like much until you paint it and then - well you can see for yourself.

I also found in B&Q a textured wallpaper which is just mini scale brickwork (no other way to describe it really - can't imagine why you'd want it in your living room!) I'm using it extensively on my modular board. Again, it won't look like much until it's painted.

Hmm... I think I may have seen that one... I'll have to have another look come payday
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeTue 7 Feb 2012 - 19:33

Oh boy, I will be definitely looking out for your updates!!! You've got quite some talent. I mean, your terrain is impressive but then the painting you did and the final touches with the leaves on the floor and the moss on the roof tiles are just superb! Smile

And thanks for the link to the wallpaper. I might order it (believe it or not, but I've tried loads of different styles but couldn't find a suitable one for my cobbled streets).

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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeTue 7 Feb 2012 - 20:31

The wallpaper isn't cheap, but it really doesn't seem to be that expensive considering the use to which it would be put. If my math is correct, before shipping it comes out to around 30 cents per square foot. at roughly 1.7 feet wide and 33 feet long, the roll includes 56 square feet.

A 4x4 table is 16 square feet. You could cover three Mordheim tables with one roll with more to spare, unless I'm missing something. 18 bucks for three tables worth of decent cobblestone texture seems pretty good to me. Most alternatives are pretty labor intensive, such as casting individual flooring tiles or scoring a pattern into foam with a pen.
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeTue 7 Feb 2012 - 22:14

weeble1000 wrote:
The wallpaper isn't cheap, but it really doesn't seem to be that expensive considering the use to which it would be put. If my math is correct, before shipping it comes out to around 30 cents per square foot. at roughly 1.7 feet wide and 33 feet long, the roll includes 56 square feet.

A 4x4 table is 16 square feet. You could cover three Mordheim tables with one roll with more to spare, unless I'm missing something. 18 bucks for three tables worth of decent cobblestone texture seems pretty good to me. Most alternatives are pretty labor intensive, such as casting individual flooring tiles or scoring a pattern into foam with a pen.

Exactly! You can't go wrong with those maths. Smile

Now I might have a go at that wallpaper myself!

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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeWed 8 Feb 2012 - 20:57

That building is great, quite unusual. I hadn't seen the board, looking forward to some more.
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeThu 9 Feb 2012 - 0:03

Guys - thank you again for your kind comments - your encouragement is keeping me motivated. I confess I'm not 100% happy with the those buildings I've shown - I really consider them to be test pieces and hope to improve on them with my future work.

JoaoS - I am very pleased that you picked up on the roof tile moss - this is something that I have noticed on almost every single roof I've looked at locally for inspiration.

Of course those of you that mention it are right about that Anaglypta wallpaper - comparatively speaking it is not at all expensive - and the single roll that I picked up a year ago is likely more 'cobblestone effect' than I will ever need - Ghostbear/Joaos - I strongly urge you to invest: then you will be only an ink wash and some dry-brushing away from cobblestone heaven!

Incidentally I only linked to that particular wallpaper supplier because it had a good picture of the RD100. I recommend shopping around for a bargain.

But without further wittering: here is my latest update - not a great leap forward I know, but something at least.

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0726

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0720

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0718

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0717

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0715

Capt B's Work In Progress DSCF0727
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeThu 9 Feb 2012 - 2:51

Looks great so far!

I see that you "rounded" the roads I love that little bit of detail.

From what I can tell you placed a piece of cardboard under to help with this effect. Has this caused any soft spots under the road? I was just wondering how it might hold up to traffic.
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Capt B
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeThu 9 Feb 2012 - 23:05

Hi HornedRat, I have made the road surface convex - I'm glad that you've noticed that. I wanted to give the road an extra dimension by adding a camber. The cardboard underneath is there for the very purpose of eliminating those 'soft spots' and it's working well so far. As the roads are not glued in place yet I have an opportunity to put more packing in at a later stage if necessary.
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PostSubject: Re: Capt B's Work In Progress   Capt B's Work In Progress Icon_minitimeFri 10 Feb 2012 - 20:50

Capt B wrote:

I also found in B&Q a textured wallpaper which is just mini scale brickwork (no other way to describe it really - can't imagine why you'd want it in your living room!) I'm using it extensively on my modular board. Again, it won't look like much until it's painted.

Is this the one by any chance?
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