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 Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)

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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeSat 21 May 2011 - 20:06

I thought it would be interesting to create a warband based on the mythology in the buffyverse of 'The' slayer. I haven't really thought about how to integrate the fluff into the mordheim setting but im not very good at that kind of thing so if other people wanted to come up with fluff ideas then feel free Smile .

Vampire Slayer warband
Choice of warriors:

A Vampire Slayer warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500gc available to spend.
The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12

Slayer: your warband must include 1 Slayer, no more no less!
Potential Slayer: Your warband may include up to 2 Potential Slayers
Wiccan: Your warband may include a single Wiccan
Watcher: Your warband may include a single Watcher
White Hats: Your warband may include any number of White Hats

Special rules:
Steak Him!: All members of the warband excluding hired swords and the like hate all undead models.

Starting Experience:
A Slayer starts with 20 experience
A Potential Slayer starts with 0 experience
A Watcher starts with 12 experience
A Wiccan starts with 8 experience
Henchmen start with 0 experience

Vampire Slayer skill tables:
Slayer may choose from the Combat, Shooting, Strength, or Speed skill lists.
Potential Slayer may choose from the Combat, Shooting, Strength or Speed skill lists.
Watchers may choose from the Combat, Shooting or Academic skill lists.
Wiccan may choose from the Academic or Speed skill lists.

Maximum characteristics: human

Dagger 1st free/2gc
Club 3gc
Axe 5gc
Steak 10gc
Sword 10gc
Spear 10gc
Halberd 10gc
Morning Star 10gc
Double Handed Weapon 15gc
Crossbow 25gc
Crossbow Pistol 35gc
Light Armour 20gc
Garlic 1gc
Blessed water 10gc

White Hat
Dagger 1st free/2gc
Club 3gc
Axe 5gc
Steak 10gc
Sword 10gc
Spear 10gc
Crossbow 25gc
Shield 5gc
Helmet 10gc
Light Armour 20gc
Garlic 1gc
Blessed water 10gc


Weapons/Armour: Weapons and armour chosen from the Slayer equipment list

Special rules
Leader: Any models in the warband within 6” of the Slayer may use his Leadership instead of their own.

The Slayer: Counts as having the Strike to Injure special rule and causes fear in vampires and deamonic creatures such as beastmen.

Potential Slayer
Weapons/Armour: Weapons and armour chosen from the Slayer equipment list

Special rules
The Slayer line: If the warband leader dies a randomly selected potential slayer must become the new leader and is now The Slayer not just a potential one and so gains the Slayer and Leader special rules. If there are no potential slayers then the Watcher may assume command and gain the Leader special rule until another Potential Slayer can be hired at which point they will be promoted to the rank of warband leader as detailed above. If there are no Potential Slayers or a Watcher in the warband then it is disbanded. If the Slayer dies then you are allowed to purchase an extra Potential Slayer meaning that you can have three (one with the Slayer special rule two without).

Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special rules
Tutor: If the watcher was not taken out of action in a battle then an additional point of experience may be given to either the Slayer or a Potential Slayer if they were also not taken out of action.

Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special rules
Wiccan: Is a wizard as detailed in the Mordheim rulebook and starts with one Spell from the Wiccan spell list below.


White Hats
Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special equipment:
Steak; 5gc; Availability: Common (Vampire Slayers only)
Treated exactly like a Dagger except if a critical hit is scored on a vampire then it is instantly OoA.

Wiccan magic:
D6 ...............................................................................................................................................................Difficulty

1 ........Light of guidance:
At the end of each battle that the wiccan does not go out of action roll a D6 on a 1-3 during the exploration phase the Slayer warband may re-roll one die on a 4-6 the slayer warband may roll an extra die during the exploration phase.

2 ........Clouding .................................................................................................................................................6
Line of sight to and from all models within 8” of the caster is reduced to 2” while they remain within 8” so a model can leave the 8” area and then shoot normally but cannot charge more than 2” from inside the 8” area . The spell ends at the end of the current phase if caster is forced to fight in HtH combat or suffers a hit from any source or at the end of the caster’s next shooting phase.

3 ........Wind flight: ..............................................................................................................................................7
The caster may immediately move anywhere within 12", including into base contact with an enemy, in which case she counts as charging. If she engages a fleeing enemy, in the close combat phase she will score one automatic hit and then her opponent will flee again (if they survive).

4 ........Ritual of joining: .....................................................................................................................................10
Up to three heroes within 2” of the caster that did not do anything this turn may elect to join the ritual which affects the Slayer as long as they are within 10” of the caster. Every hero that joined the ritual may not do anything while this spell is active and if charged the ritual will end and the hero will fight the combat as if they had just got up from being knocked down. For each hero that joined the ritual you may add one to one of the Slayers stats depending on which skill lists the heroes can choose from: Combat skills allow the WS or A to be increased, Shooting skills allow the BS to be increased, Academic skills allow the LD to be increased, Strength skills allow the S to be increased, Speed skills allow the M and I to be increased and any hero may increase T. Each stat may only be increased by one in total by this spell and it can be increased above racial maximums. The bonuses to the Slayers stats only last as long the ritual does.

5 ........Force of Will: .........................................................................................................................................8
The caster gains +2S, +1A and hits on a 2+ in combat, cannot use weapons or a shield but suffers on penalty for fighting unarmed and cannot cast another spell until this spell is ended which can be done at the beginning of their shooting phase. The caster must pass a LD test at the beginning of each of their shooting phase or the spell ends. If the caster suffers an injury and rolls on the injury chart while this spell is active then this roll is at +1 so 1 is knocked down, 2-3 is stunned and 4-6 is OoA, regardless of whether the caster survives the spell ends immediately.

6 ........Fist of Air: ..............................................................................................................................................7
Causes a S4 hit to one model within 8” and any model hit by it is automatically pushed 3” away from the caster and is instantly knocked down. The affected model will take a S3 hit if it comes into contact with a wall or other such feature as a result of the extra movement (place the model at the foot of the obstacle).
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeSun 22 May 2011 - 0:08

Undead and Demonic: Beastmen generally aren't considered demonic. Mutated and chaotic, yes, but generally "daemonic" means "demons" (CoC plaguebearers, Possessed). Giving them both might be a bit much.
Of course, you might make it a choice:
"When you buy a slayer, choose one: Undead, Daemons, or Worshippers of Chaos." (I divide the last two, 'cause maybe they hate the human and beastmen followers more than the daemons themselves).

Potential Slayer: I'd drop one of the skills from them (maybe strength). If one of them becomes the new slayer, than they learn that skill category.

henchmen: just having the white hats is too little... one henchmen group just looks meager.
What if you had a Watcher's council group, and the white hat group?

The Watchers are the steady, brave guys. The white hats are the cheaper, more unpredictable ones. For example:

(if they have Ld 6)
"Adrenaline Rush: If a White Hat is charging or charged by an undead creature that causes fear, and he passes the fear test, he may receive +1 to hit for the first round of hand to hand combat. If he fails the test, the normal rules for fear apply. A white hat may use the Slayer's Leadership as normal."

Ritual of Joining: good idea, but hard to understand, and will be impossible to pull off on a battlefield. Recommendation:

"Ritual Of Joining: Difficulty 10 - The Slayer may immediately increase any two stats by +1 (may not choose the same stat twice.) The Wiccan may not move or do anything else this turn other than cast the spell this turn. You may have any hero (except the slayer herself) within 2" of the Wiccan do nothing but move, shoot, or do anything this turn in order to join in: for each hero that joins in, the Wiccan adds +1 to the difficulty roll, and the slayer may increase an additional stat. The Wiccan must pass a difficulty test each turn to maintain the spell- any hero within 2" of the wiccan may continue to forgo moving in order to continue adding +1 the the maintenance test. The stat bonus dissipates if the Wiccan cannot pass the spell, or if the slayer moves more than 10" from the wiccan.

Or something like that. So, it can be done with the wiccan alone, but grows easier and stronger for each hero that joins.

Oh, lastly, it doesn't seem to be all that anti-vampire / daemon. Other than the "hate" part and the equipment, it's not really worked in. Maybe some special skills?

If it helps, maybe don't approach it from a "buffy" POV, try it from a "previous slayer in a medieval/ren period." If a slayer were in that time, what would she use / recruit?

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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeSun 22 May 2011 - 12:35

Steak is a piece of meat, Stake is a pointy stick with wich to stab a vampire. Very Happy

The list looks cool, but take advice from StyrofoamKing above me, all his suggestions seem good!

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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 26 May 2011 - 3:23

Okay, I'm a bit of a Whedon fan (putting it mildly) and since I'm all new and eager to post, here's my suggestions:

Fix the typographical errors, but that goes without saying.

Rename the Wiccan. Wicca is a very young religion in the modern world and has no equivalent in Warhammer, really. Mystic, Demitheurge, White Witch, all work a lot better. But that's just me.

I think the Slayer is somewhat undercosted, although I understand that she's the star of the show and the rest of the warband is basically her support. With WS 4, S/T 4, and 2 A, she's already a darned scary fighter. Plus, with Combat, Strength, and Speed access, she's got a lot of potential to turn into a one-woman wrecking crew. I know that's appropriate, but I don't think she deserves to be cheaper than a Dwarf Noble, for example.

I would like to see you give the Watcher something. As it is, he's a great utility piece, and that's good. But I would really like to see something that says "This guy is supposed to be training the Slayer." Access to spells as a skill would be interesting, if nothing else.

I also think you need at least one or two more types of Henchmen. Just having White Hats would get rather boring quickly. It'd be kind of neat to have a "protector" type of Henchman with improved intercept ability and maybe the capacity to take a ranged attack that was targeting a Slayer or Potential Slayer. Call them a Martyr?

Special Skills. This warband should be really good at taking care of Undead, and have some skills that would help against Daemons and their ilk.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 26 May 2011 - 3:26

Watcher something: He has an awesome post game ability... maybe and mid-game ability? If he's within 6", the slayer may reroll one dice a game, maybe?
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 26 May 2011 - 3:31

More fun ideas, since I'm in the mood:

I would think that a Slayer in the Warhammer setting would want as big of a stake as possible. As such, I would allow them to take a stake-spear (combine the rules) for, say 15 gc. Making it double-sided would provide +1 attack as a second weapon and cost another 5 gc.

Blessed Hawthorn Weapons: Blessed by a Priest of Morr, these weapons strike true when attacking unearthly creatures. Count as magic weapons for things that can only be harmed by them. Reroll failed rolls to wound against Undead and Daemons. Cost: Weapon x3? Rare 9? Allowable at creation?

Ammunition: Stake bolts. Applies the special rules for stakes to crossbows and crossbow pistols. Cost: 10 gcs (can be made blessed hawthorn).
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jun 2011 - 19:55

Sorry about the Reeeaaally late reply I've just finished my exams and had banned myself from the internet for a month during them otherwise I would have got no work done at all. Anyhoo.....

Thanks for the suggestions I've decided that the wiccan doesn't really fit in the mordheim era as JP said so I've got rid of it and introduced A veteran demon hunter as a tough reliable hero and given the watcher access to lesser magic as suggested by JP. I see your point on the overpowered Slayer which I had bassed on a slightly improved Jarl from the norse warband in the lustria setting but I had forgoten that i had given her strike to injure so I have upped her cost to 85gc to account for this.

The idea of a special skill set is one that I really like although I can't think of any atm so have any of you got ideas?

On the henchman front I really wanted to have more but just couldn't think of any so decided to post it anyway and see whether you guys could come up with anything. So thanks for the input Smile . I thought the Idea of the watcher's council guys as reliable fighters was good although didn't really fit with the way I saw the warband so I've included Demon hunters as tough as old boots reliable fighters to fill that sort of elite henchman role. I also thought that the white hats could be the long serving companions of the slayer but there could be newer members who's village could have been destroyed by vampires or the like so turned to the slayer when they had nothing left, kind of like the zealots for witch hunters although I'm not quite sure what to call them.

P.S sorry about the typos (steak Embarassed)

Vampire Slayer warband
Choice of warriors:

A Vampire Slayer warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500gc available to spend.
The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12

Slayer: your warband must include 1 Slayer, no more no less!
Potential Slayers: Your warband may include up to 3 Potential Slayers
Watcher: Your warband may include a single Watcher
White Hats: Your warband may include any number of White Hats
Demon Hunters: Your warband may include up to 3 Demon hunters
Devotees: Your warband may include any number of Devotees

Special rules:
Stake Him!:
All members of the warband excluding hired swords and the like hate all undead models except for Deamon hunters who hate demonic creatures and possessed.

Starting Experience:
A Slayer starts with 20 experience
A Potential Slayer starts with 0 experience
A Watcher starts with 12 experience
Henchmen start with 0 experience

Vampire Slayer skill tables:
Slayer may choose from the Combat, Shooting, Strength, Speed or Special skill lists.
Potential Slayer may choose from the Combat, Shooting, Speed or Special skill lists.
Watcher may choose from the Combat, Shooting or Academic skill lists.

Maximum characteristics: human


Dagger 1st free/2gc
Axe 5gc
Stake 5gc
Sword 10gc
Spear 10gc
Halberd 10gc
Morning Star 10gc
Double Handed Weapon 15gc

Crossbow 25gc
Crossbow Pistol 35gc

Light Armour 20gc

Garlic 1gc
Blessed water 10gc

White Hat

Dagger 1st free/2gc
Club 3gc
Axe 5gc
Stake 5gc
Sword 10gc
Spear 10gc

Crossbow 25gc

Shield 5gc
Helmet 10gc
Light Armour 20gc
Heavy Armour 50gc

Garlic 1gc
Blessed water 10gc


Dagger 1st free/2gc
Club 3gc
Axe 5gc
Stake 5gc
Spear 10gc

Short Bow 5gc
Bow 10gc

Toughened Leathers 5gc
Buckler 5gc

Garlic 1gc


Into every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world. She alone will wield the strength and skill to stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness; To stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. She is the Slayer.
Weapons/Armour: Weapons and armour chosen from the Slayer equipment list

Special rules
Any models in the warband within 6” of the Slayer may use his Leadership instead of their own.

The Slayer: Counts as having the Strike to Injure special rule and causes fear in vampires and other undead creatures.

Potential Slayer
In these dark times the girls of the Slayer line feel that the safest place to be is by the side of the Slayer.
Weapons/Armour: Weapons and armour chosen from the Slayer equipment list

Special rules
The Slayer line:
If the warband leader dies a randomly selected Potential Slayer must become the new leader and is now The Slayer not just a potential one and so gains the Slayer and Leader special rules and Can choose from Strength Skills from now on. If there are no Potential Slayers then the Watcher may assume command and gain the Leader special rule until another Potential Slayer can be hired at which point they will be promoted to the rank of warband leader as detailed above. If there are no Potential Slayers or a Watcher in the warband then it is disbanded. If the Slayer dies then you are allowed to purchase an extra Potential Slayer meaning that you can have four (one with the Slayer special rule three without).

For centuries the Watchers Council have trained and honed the skills of every Slayer.
Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special rules
If the watcher was not taken out of action in a battle and they can pass a LD then an additional point of experience may be given to either the Slayer or a Potential Slayer who was also not taken out of action.

Learned: When the Watcher gains a new skill they may instead choose to learn a spell from the Lesser magic list and are considered a wizard from then onwards so may learn more spells and cannot wear armour ect. In a one off game the Watcher starts with one randomly determined spell from Lesser Magic.


White Hats
The steadfast allys of the Slayer who will stick with them through thick and thin.
Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special Rules
I've Got It!:
If a White Hat sucessfully charges a fear causing enemy then they are at +1 to hit for the entire combat.

Demon Hunters
Many of the Demon Hunters roam the ruins of the cursed city feel a strong kinship with the Slayer and will gladly accompany them on their travels through Mordheim.
Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the White Hats equipment list

Special rules
These guys have been around for years and have seen it all before. They are therefore immune to all alone and psychology tests.

After loosing everything but their lives at the hand of a Vampire these desperate individuals have nowhere to turn but their saviour.
Weapons/Armour: weapons and armour chosen from the Devotee equipment list

Special equipment:
5gc; Availability: Common (Vampire Slayers only)
Treated exactly like a Dagger except all injury rolls against Vampires are at +1.

EDIT: *Zealots* renamed to Devotees, one off battle option added for Watcher and Stake rules have been changed

EDIT: Removed Club from slayer equipment, added Heavy Armour to White Hat equipment, Tutor ability for Watcher now requirers a LD test, removed Veteran Deamon Hunter and made Potential Slayers 0-3, added I've Got It! special rule for white hats, upped the cost of Demon Hunters and added fluff to all warriors.

Last edited by Edyy on Sun 27 Nov 2011 - 21:42; edited 4 times in total
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeWed 31 Aug 2011 - 5:11

very cool idea. I'd play against it. I do think the stake should cost more though. I know it doesn't make sense for a piece of wood to cost anything at all, but anything that can take the most powerful part of an Undead warband out with a single lucky roll needs to cost more than an axe.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 1 Sep 2011 - 5:07

I think it might work. I'd add to "Learned: If playing a one-shot game, the Watcher automatically starts the game with 1 spell, chosen at random from the Lesser Magic list." Gives him a punch in the off chance you're not playing a campaign.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeFri 2 Sep 2011 - 18:49

I've been following this thread with interest. What a bunch of great ideas. This is one warband I am definitely interested in trying out.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 29 Sep 2011 - 3:23

Have you done anything else with this warband yet? Playtests or anything?
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Venerable Ancient
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeThu 29 Sep 2011 - 17:43

I have not looked it all over but the idea of a vampire hunter warband can be fun. I plan to read it all but I relized that Reaper had this great mini I wanted to get that fits ever so perfect here.

Elise Anya, Vampire Hunter

Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) 03229_Elise_front_ds

my luck is not working. img won't show. maybe images are blocked from this forum?
nm, she just took a long time to come up.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeFri 25 Nov 2011 - 7:44

Ok I have decided to call the Zealot class henchmen Devotees, added the one off battle option suggested by StyrofoamKing and made the Stake a bit less instant killy.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeFri 25 Nov 2011 - 7:45

@Luckyjoe I haven't done any play testing for this warband because I don't have a gaming group at the moment but if you want to try it out then please could you post your groups verdicts on here.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeSat 26 Nov 2011 - 3:13

@Edyy: Thanks, I wouldn't mind trying them out. It may be a little while, though. I've got a heavy schedule at work, lately.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeSun 27 Nov 2011 - 21:43

More alterations. Removed Club from slayer equipment, added Heavy Armour to White Hat equipment, Tutor ability for Watcher now requirers a LD test, removed Veteran Deamon Hunter and made Potential Slayers 0-3, added I've Got It! special rule for white hats, upped the cost of Demon Hunters and added fluff to all warriors.
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Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 18:31

I really like this, an interesting alternative to the other I found which was pretty much using witch hunters as a starting point, the stake though was cool in it, if it took a vampire out of action, the vampire was automatically dead! handy in a campaign, not so much in a one off. Your stake is the more practical in that sense.
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PostSubject: Re: Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)   Vampire - Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed) Icon_minitime

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Vampire Slayer warband (Buffy themed)
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