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 Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband

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carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Empty
PostSubject: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011 - 1:32

I am beginning to put together my second Mordheim warband. My first is Lizardmen, which I do enjoy playing. Now I am starting the Carnival of Chaos (CoC). I was attracted to them for the modeling potential, theme and strength of the warband. Although I think I will choose not to use the Nurgle Rot.

My warband will consist of:
(1) Carnival Master
(2) Brutes
(2) Tainted Ones (one with Bloated Foulness, the other with Cloud of Flies)
(3) Brethren
(2) Nurglings

I suppose that I will add more henchmen as gold is earned.

I am interested in getting everyone's ideas on general tactics/weapon suggestions using this warband. I also found that CoC can use a few Hired Swords, any ideas?
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011 - 1:48

Welcome back to the forum!

For Hired Swords there is this discussion--
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carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011 - 2:25

I'm playing CoC now, and found that the plague bearers are a good buy in the start, as while they don't get experience they start with good stats, better take advantage of that as soon as possible. I took bows on a couple of henchmen and have increased my shooting henchman contingence after a few games.
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Primary Warband played: Lizardmen (Unofficial) Lizardmen (Unofficial)
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carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011 - 21:42

mrtn wrote:
I'm playing CoC now, and found that the plague bearers are a good buy in the start, as while they don't get experience they start with good stats, better take advantage of that as soon as possible. I took bows on a couple of henchmen and have increased my shooting henchman contingence after a few games.

That is a good point regarding the Plague Bearers. It sounds like a good idea to work them into the list. What are your thoughts on Nurglings? Are they worth having as arrow collecting fodder?
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carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011 - 23:54

I don't really know. I have been using them as that, and they have been shot a few times, so I suppose that's good. On the other hand they are only T2, so it's very easy to shoot them and take them out with one shot. This way your opponent can force you to start taking rout tests quite easily.
I only have two nurglings in the warband, and I don't think I'll get too many more, I'd probably prefer human cultists if I get more warband members. However, there are instances when having cheap warband members can be a good thing, so I'll probably always keep at least one.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband   carnival - Tactics for Carnival of Chaos warband Icon_minitime

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