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 W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each

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W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Empty
PostSubject: W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each   W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Icon_minitimeMon 9 May 2011 - 15:10

I am back, now I am sure I had a full set of them, but now that I finally got to sort out my models I can not find them anymore Neutral

I am looking for at least one for each of the later version Sister models.

I have:

Paypal 50.00$ each

or I have several normal pieces for trade.

In addition I do have an Halfling Pimp in mint condition, I believe all 3 Unreleased eldar animals (I do have them is only I need to look for them Smile...) and both Lady Mc Death and Mc Death from the scenario pack. I have noticed in another tread that Mordheim players are after these quite valuable models. Both the Pimp and Lady Mc Death are in mint condition, the 3 animals I believe I have 2 sets one is mint and one is primered white need to check. Also I do have and will have 2 spare Kislevites for Mordheim and a spare bear and handler. Just bought an almost complete set, and will end up with a few spares that I will use as trade material.

Here are the models I am after:

W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Sister_Superior
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Sister_Superior_tomb_%26_whip_sprue
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Later_Novice_1
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Later_Novice_2
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Later_1
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Later_2
W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each 800px-Mordheim_Sisters_of_Sigma_Syster_Weapon_Sprue

These are the models I am aware of, if there are more can anyone send me a list with pictures?

Thanks to all.
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W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Empty
PostSubject: Re: W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each   W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Icon_minitimeWed 11 May 2011 - 11:25

Seems like I am trading for model 2, 3, 4 still looking for model 1 and 5 Smile any help appreciated Smile
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W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Empty
PostSubject: Re: W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each   W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Icon_minitimeWed 11 May 2011 - 19:12

moltenm wrote:
These are the models I am aware of, if there are more can anyone send me a list with pictures?

That is indeed the full range of later release sisters thumbsup

- Kafka
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W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Empty
PostSubject: Re: W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each   W: 2nd Ed. Sisters of Sigmar H: Several or 50$ each Icon_minitime

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