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 After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband

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After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Empty
PostSubject: After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband   After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Icon_minitimeTue 1 Jul 2008 - 7:47

Well i want to model myself some warriors for my nippon warband and I was wondering If anyone has any Ideas on how to go about it?

I need Ideas for;

Ronin (think samurai with cloaks modelling wise)
ashigaru (lightly armoured infantry).

I also need a decent way of making a katana. Any suggestions and even a list of components that would construct something basic would be appreciated.

Here are some of my ideas;

Samurai; free company/fanatic legs. the torso of an emire knight (the big armoured thing) but filing off the shield arm. then using some arms (which I have no idea for yet) and a head (probaly mixture of marauder and other cool plastic heads)

Ninja: Probaly just going to take a dark elf assassin, but some greenstuff canisters representing all his powders ect. exchanging the sword for something less elfy. The model is all robed, so you cant tell its an elf =)

Ronin: Flaggalant legs + torsos with some of the arms, just with a weapon swap. diffrent heads (undecieded so far)

Ashigaru: the empire state handgunner, but with the top of their heads taken off and replaced with those awsome rice farmer hats.

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Lanyssa Ryssyll
Lanyssa Ryssyll

Posts : 490
Trading Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-03-02
Age : 40
Location : Paris - France

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Primary Warband played: Dwarfs Dwarfs
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After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband   After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Icon_minitimeTue 1 Jul 2008 - 9:46

I don't know if you know "Fenryll", I think you can find some minis you'll be pleased with :

For example :
After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Fen468f6bf893784fa142_samourai
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After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband   After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Icon_minitimeTue 1 Jul 2008 - 10:53

Yes, they are nice, but I think theres just that little bit inside me that wants me to have my own fully converted warband that I can say "Look what I did".

Thanks anyways,

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After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband   After some modelling advice for my nippon Warband Icon_minitime

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