I made the questionable decision to ask my friend Totte (think he calls himself Widgren on this forum) for his opinion on how I should paint the doors on my fortified mansion and he came up with the great idea that they could be copper plated doors.
I thought, well why not, and started looking for a reference picture which you can see part of below.
Tarnished copper isn't that copperishAs you can see for yourself, old copper plated doors don't have that copperish feel to them. They're actually mostly turquoise and not that shiny. So I decided that I would only use copper and brass colors for small areas of the doors and decided to base coat the doors with a blend of Vallejo Grey Green and Vallejo Falcon Turquoise. Probably a 50/50 blend, don't really remember exactly.
I then added black to my mixed color and darkened the lower parts of the door with normal drybrushing technique, checking the reference picture for guidance along the way.
I continued with a mix of Vallejo Brassy Brass(the Hammered Copper is too red in my opinion), Green Grey and Black (can't remember if I also had some Turquoise in the mix...) – drybrushing it on carefully and again, looking at the reference picture for guidance.
Highlighting the doorsI used a mix of my base coat with more of the Falcon Turquoise and drybrushed it on in streaks along the door. Mostly on the upper parts. I added Vallejo Electric Blue to make it brighter and more saturated. For the last layer I added a bit of Vallejo Sky Blue for an even brighter color.
The tarnished copper doors completedThis is the final result(except that the hinges needs a wash). I must say I'm pleased with my first attempt at creating this effect. I would love to see if any of you readers have painted any tarnished copper and how you've done it, please comment as always. And if you think my effort looks like shit, please do tell
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