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 Frotherheim participation game at Salute 2010

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Frotherheim  participation game at Salute 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Frotherheim participation game at Salute 2010   Frotherheim  participation game at Salute 2010 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Apr 2010 - 19:08

If any of you are going to be at Salute, you might enjoy taking a look at the Frothers' version of a dark meteor-blighted city, Frotherheim. There will be a number of pre made warbands available, and great prizes. My own Mordheim painting project has been delayed a bit while I painted up some beasties to chase hapless adventurers around town. I won't be able to make it, but perhaps some of you can.

The official release:

Frotherheim - where the sky rains with fire and all below is ruined and wracked.

Frotherheim - where looters and adventurers seek rich pickings in the wrecked buildings and mysterious rocks that have fallen from above.

Frotherheim - where the survivors blame the warbands for all the ills that have befallen them and happily execute them in cruel and unusual ways in Execution Square.

Never was a town more cursed than Frotherheim.

In every alley way scum waits to cut your throat.

In every shadow lurks a monster ready to rip you asunder.

Fame and fortune or shame and an ignoble and rather painful death await all who venture within!

Frotherheim is a game run by Frothers for Salute 2010 using the Song of Blades and Heroes ruleset.

Prizes have been generously donated by such companies as Blood Moon, Otherworld (yes, you have a chance to win the uber massive Otherworld giant!), Dave Thomas, Fenris Games and Red Box Games.

Come and see us on table GD03 where death, glory and spankingly good prizes await you!
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Frotherheim participation game at Salute 2010
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