this is a scenario i have made up.
this is my first ever one so... enjoy!
i had to edit it because i had written like the rule book bu it didnt fit
Nightmare in the sewers
underneath the streets of mordheim, there are sewers and catacombs. were there are all manner of mutated and twisted creatures, and wrydstone, lots of it. many brave but foolish men have ventured down into the tunnels never to be seen again.
In this scenario you venture into the sewers and underground labyrinths of mordheim. fighting across wooden platforms. the board should be made of lots of tunnels backtracking on themselves, wooden scaffolding, crates, barrels and fallen in parts of the tunnel. the table should range from 2' x 2' to 4' x 4'
set up
1. Each player rolls a d6. the player with the higher score can choose to go first or second.
2. The first player to deploy sets his/her entire warband in on corner of the sewers.
3. the second warband deploys in the opposite corner. no models may be 14" from the enemy warband.
Special Rules.
poisonous water: the water has been tainted by wrydstone and is dangerous. any model that falls in is out of action for the rest of the game on a roll of 4+. the test is every turn until the model dies or gets out of the water. roll on the injury chart as normal but ignore robbed, captured and sold to the pits results.
rickety platforms: the platforms have rotted over the years and have become fragile. if the number of models exceeds five on the platform. then the platform collapses and all models on the platform must pass a initiative test or be plunged into the murky depths. if they pass the test they go to the nearest platform if there arnt any then they fall into the water.
wrydstone: place d3 +2 wrydstone counters randomly around the sewers. no counter may be within 6" of each other.
the thing in the faeces: in the sewer there is a twisted and warped creature dripping with excrement. it counts as a possessed with tentacles and claws its attacks are poisoned and it can drag one model into the sewage per turn, to attempt this it will need a 5+ if it manages this then the model is dragged into the stuff. it wanders around looking for stuff to kill/digest.
ending the game.
if one of the warbands fails a rout test, the game ends immediately and the routing player loses.
+1 survive.
+1 winning leader.
+1 per enemy out of action.
+1 for each wound caused to the sewage monster.
so what do you think? any
any ways to inprove?