Yup! It's a Hell Dorado mini! I bought the Demon startup one day for fun, thought I could add them to my Chaos band. But the miniatures are smaller. So I thought about a demonic minion invocated and freed, that the band met and he joined them as mercenary.
For the Belyscendre band, I'll have to make two female minstrels, one blond and soft looking, one dark haired and savage looking in red, then 3 male minstrels. They would be the Heroes. Then as Henchmen, the adventurers of Naheulbeuk: 0-1 Human Ranger, 0-1 Female Wood Elfe Glade Guardian, 0-1 Human Barbarian (Norsk), 0-1 Human Female Sorcerer (yes, as a henchwoman 8, with only one spell), 0-1 Male Dwarf, and 0-1 Ogre.