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 Cobble Stone Basis

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PostSubject: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 1 Feb 2008 - 12:43

Well, ive picked up a box of Night Runners, which i hope is going to provide the majority of the models for my Skaven Clan. In order to fit in with the street based scenery beig created by Kurgan and Zelo (not sure if he's joined this site) i want to create some cobble stone basis for them.

The problem is i dont know where to start. So if anybody has any wonderful ideas and tips id be very greatful.


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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 1 Feb 2008 - 13:10

There are a few ways to do this.

The first is expensive and fiddly: Textured plasti card (from Model Zone on Deansgate).
The second is cheap and easy: Textured Wallpaper (from any DIY shop!) the only down side is finding the right texture. Not as easy as I thought it would be!
The third is slow and mind-numbing: Greenstuff!

Cobble Stone Basis 387809 Take your pick! (I know which I would choose)
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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 1 Feb 2008 - 13:41

Actually, making cobble-stone bases with putty (GreenStuff) isn't THAT slow and mind numbing. Actually it has become my method of choice, because it looks best.

Here's an example of a cobblestone basis I made with Milliput:

Cobble Stone Basis Cobble10

And here's one I made with textured paper:

Cobble Stone Basis Cobble11

I think the first one looks better.

Just make little balls of putty and press them onto your base to flatten them. When they have almost completely hardened out, use a modelling knife to cut off the putty that overlaps the edge of the base. VoilĂ .

Cobble Stone Basis Banner10
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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 1 Feb 2008 - 14:20

Actually I'd choose the Greenstuff option because I love GS! affraid
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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 1 Feb 2008 - 15:24

Well, safe to say i absolutely despise GS!!! I just cant use it, my first attempt at making cobbles has ended disasterously!!!

EDIT: After a massive ball of GS wasted, ive decided just to buy some off ebay! Its not to bad, im happy to pay it, just the waiting is a pain.
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PostSubject: Cobble Stone Bases   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeFri 25 Apr 2008 - 13:32

I use a method similar to Tom's [Nice work Tom Sir, yes sir! ] only I use plumbers epoxy. It's very much like Milliput put slightly less expensive [roughly 1/8 the price of Green Stuff]; it's easy to work with, smoothes with water, & dries in about 20 mins.. I cover the base to the desired thickness, in the case of cobble stones, draw my craft knife over the top to give a texture to the putty, then I scribe in the cobble stones, paving stones, concrete effect for sci-fi stuff, or whatever I'm trying for. I use this stuff for all my bases whether just dirt or rock formations or whatever, any excess I turn into scrolls, mushrooms, stuff like that. Having never had much extra $s, I tend to squeeze each dollar until the Eagle grins;i.e., if there is a cheap way of doing it, I probably know about it.

Caveat: Milliput [except for the extra fine stuff] & plumbers epoxy are not capable of holding the super fine detail that Green & Brown stuff can. For detailed conversion work on minis, spring for the extra bucks & use Green/Brown Stuff.

I sent Tom a mini which has my take on cobble/paving stones, perhaps he, in his beneficence , could be imposed upon to post a pic of the base here [hint, hint].
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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitimeSat 26 Apr 2008 - 3:26

If you cant be bothered making them I highly recommend these:

Very cheap and they look absolutely fantastic. I've based my warband on the paved stone ones.
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PostSubject: Re: Cobble Stone Basis   Cobble Stone Basis Icon_minitime

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