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 Possessed or Carnival??

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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 2:22

Hi there,

Ive been looking for a good Mordheim community ever since the specialist games website closed down and now I seem to have found it.

I have played quite a few Mordheim games with Skaven and Witch Hunters and now Im looking for something new. And as my luck has it my girlfriend promised me the warband/gang/team of my choice for christmas. Now I just cant decide whether to ake the Possessed and the Carnival of Chaos warbands. I have no expirience with either and never even had the chance to play against them yet, so can anybody who did, please post his opinions on these two wabands and the points where they are different from each other and also stuff I should consider while playing them?

Thanks a bunch guys and once again: its a great forum you got here.

P.S.: personal subjective opinions on the warbands are of course also apreciated Very Happy Very Happy
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 5:24

Paintwise i like both warbands equally. The possessed is very sinister and (in my opinion) have some of the coolest models made for mordheim - and the CoC have some crazy stuff which must be very fun to paint!

As for gameplaywise:
Possessed is a very offensive warband, with pretty fast possessed models (can have m6 with the right mutations) and generally very powerful meelee.
CoC is a bit more defensive, having a "tanking" class hero which gives you the opportunity (for a price of course, we're still in mordheim! Wink) to make starting hero(es) with 5 toughness and 3 wounds but at the cost of 1 speed. CoC have the nurglings as well (read: cannonfodder!!!)

So to sum it up - i like Possessed better (cuz i like to fight and bite and hit stuff in da head!), but CoC definately have some gaming potential!

(played possessed once or twice to try it out without the real models, never tried CoC - but when we've had CoC players we've re-rolled one of their spells which is IMHO pretty lame, not really doing anything in the battle, but destroying the enemy warband over time - just my thoughts of course, ppl may like it?)
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 10:55

zettel wrote:
Now I just cant decide whether to ake the Possessed and the Carnival of Chaos warbands.

If your choice is limited to these two, then I definitely suggest taking... Orcs&Goblins! carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? 665330

Nowhere else will you find this beautiful skin and high motivation for the job. Orc Shaman sleeping

Besides, nothing beats a herder losing control of their squig :cherry: , which, out of your control, continues to win your battle for you. carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? 2194

PS: Welcome to the forum, and really take Carnival. Wink

Last edited by SomeOrc on Sun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:30; edited 1 time in total
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Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:26

I have both these warbands and I have to say: CARNIVAL! You will have much more fun not only painting it, but also playing. This is really the best warband I've ever played.

Of course, Possessed are also very nice - you don't need many models to have complete warband, they are more individual. So whatever you take, will be ok, but Carnival is really funny Smile
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:33

From a TOTALLY impractical & ungamesmanship-like point of view, I'd recommend chosing the War Band that fires your imagination the most & worry about it's gaming potential at a later date. Suspect
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:47

thanks for the nice replies guys, I am already leaning towards the carnival (the original figs are just too cool...) but Ill wait few days untilI make my desicion for sure... (dont wanna end up with a warband I wont like after a few games Sad ) so please keep your suggestions coming... Smile

@ SomeOrc: Thanks for your heartfelt suggestions, even though Orcs dont stand a chance of becoming my new warband (for now at least... Wink ) javascript:emoticonp('carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? 40268')

@ DeafNala: Im not making my choice basing on power aspect, Its just that both warbands have great fluff (the demonic theatre troupe versus highly individualised evil fanatic monsters) so theyre pretty much tied on fluff and I just dont know how these two warbands play differently so I dont know yet which one will be most fun for me....
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:59

zettel wrote:
Im not making my choice basing on power aspect....

You're a good lad, & my kind of gamer. thumbsup
Go for the Carnival of Chaos; re, they ARE more expensive. SO, if [God forbid] you should breakup with your lady, you'll have a cool warband that you MIGHT not otherwise been able to afford to help ease the pain of a broken heart. Suspect
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 12:07

@ DeafNala: And you, sir say that youre not a practically thinking guy!!!! Shocked
Anyways lol! lol! lol! a great piece of advice you gave me there... (my girlfriend who just read this post doesnt think so, but to everyone his own)

@ all: Hmm... it really seems to me, that most people favour the coc, but if theres a possessed veteran here on this board whod like to share his expiriences in playing them (on a fun not on a power level) Id be very happy
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Admin Tom
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carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 12:30

zettel wrote:
Im not making my choice basing on power aspect
Good! I encourage that. I too choose my warbands because of their looks.

Unfortunately I have no experience with CoC, so I cannot help you with it gameplay-wise. I am however a Possessed and Witch-Hunter player and thus I vote for Possessed. For me the classical "cult" theme is more appealing than a wandering circus that happens to be evil (chaotic).

And Possessed have one thing that you can't beat... BEASTMEN! (did I mention that I LOVE beastmen?).

Personally I think that possessd tend to get a LITTLE bit boring after a while, since their gameplay is rather straightforward (rush, get into CC and kill). But if you already have another warband and are only looking for something new, they are a great choice. Conversion-wise, believe me, they are the most fun to make. And, let's be honest, just owning a chaotic faction is super cool Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Possessed or Carnival??   carnival - Possessed or Carnival?? Icon_minitime

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